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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme apache (457 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme apache[2012-10-10] - 15:49:40 - "makash" - @makash My apache config query resolved in record time by @kingslyj. :) cc @pentestit[2012-10-06] - 21:16:25 - "Viss" - uh, so this is what it looks like when an iphone tries to pull an mp3 from apache. bout 20 pages of this. http://t.co/Cxa4YaWT[2012-10-02] - 22:09:59 - "SecMailLists" - BUGTRAQ: [ MDVSA-2012:154-1 ] apache http://t.co/BIAcvst1[2012-10-02] - 05:22:14 - "pentestit" - RT @apachefriends: Now officially out: New XAMPP 1.8.1 for Windows and Linux. More infos at http://t.co/5HOv6v8I[2012-10-01] - 23:30:27 - "SecMailLists" - Full Disclosure: [ MDVSA-2012:154 ] apache http://t.co/6pHbv6ZO[2012-10-01] - 23:30:27 - "SecMailLists" - BUGTRAQ: [ MDVSA-2012:154 ] apache http://t.co/Y4lQPOlR[2012-10-01] - 23:30:27 - "SecMailLists" - Full Disclosure: [ MDVSA-2012:154-1 ] apache http://t.co/3aUPpgKl[2012-10-01] - 22:29:43 - "opexxx" - [ MDVSA-2012:154-1 ] apache http://t.co/u7I2Q3Pt[2012-09-30] - 02:03:38 - "ebordac" - [ MDVSA-2012:154 ] apache -- http://t.co/wthkJsgr[2012-09-28] - 21:29:09 - "opexxx" - [ MDVSA-2012:154 ] apache http://t.co/06vPJnbX[2012-09-21] - 07:23:03 - "haxorthematrix" - #lazyweb - Need reccomendations for some forum software on apache/linux, that is easy to use, configure and can be secured. Captcha a bonus.[2012-09-17] - 20:19:59 - "alexandrosilva" - Remove password from openssl key file (drerik)-http://t.co/hIIaCVxS ? - #openssl #apache #httpd (via @usscastro)[2012-09-11] - 00:48:41 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP apache-struts-csrf(78182) - ISS X-Force - Internet Security Systems - Description: Apache Struts is vulnerab ... http://t.co/KXFXT0eB[2012-09-06] - 15:49:48 - "isaudit" - #auditscript a day: To audit apache, first capture this configuration file: cat /etc/httpd.conf[2012-08-02] - 08:01:08 - "ebordac" - [ MDVSA-2012:118 ] apache-mod_security -- http://t.co/YxhX9wkM[2012-07-28] - 17:43:19 - "cudeso" - @Akhmees Good post; having requests redirected to an apache host and then use awstats to get connection counts. Thanks![2012-07-27] - 21:14:46 - "opexxx" - [ MDVSA-2012:118 ] apache-mod_security http://t.co/yT7lGymz[2012-07-27] - 02:03:25 - "SecMailLists" - BUGTRAQ: [ MDVSA-2012:114 ] apache-mod_auth_openid http://t.co/hjQm8BAh[2012-07-26] - 05:50:37 - "hackmiami" - RT @webpwnized: Mutillidae 2.2.3 released w/ new vulns, more hints, 2 new pages interface, works w/ xampp 1.8, mysql 5.5, apache 2 ...[2012-07-19] - 11:47:35 - "Viss" - ?@MrB0t: Ahem. I'd like you to meet my friend, called Mobile. He's a bit slow on the uptake.? - apache basic auth, no crypto, cleartext :D[2012-07-06] - 09:16:34 - " oncee" - RT @TrustedSec: The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) v3.4.1 has been released. Adds apache checks, bug fix loop, and enhancements.[2012-06-21] - 13:09:05 - "seccubus" - @ethicalhack3r apache license?[2012-06-18] - 00:04:06 - "exploitdb" - [remote] - PHP apache_request_headers Function Buffer Overflow: PHP apache_request_headers Function Buffer Overflow http://t.co/oHpPqdwy[2012-06-17] - 21:14:48 - " opexxx" - PHP apache_request_headers Function Buffer Overflow http://t.co/pRgPpVnN #exploit http://t.co/UlJ9V0ON[2012-06-17] - 19:36:27 - " packet_storm" - PHP apache_request_headers Function Buffer Overflow http://t.co/WP95md33 #exploit[2012-06-08] - 17:56:56 - "abedra" - @bryanl agreed. The sad truth is that it nginx is easier to configure than apache though :([2012-05-21] - 13:26:44 - "dave_rel1k" - @jmergy thanks man! lots more coming soon..adding more logging around apache next[2012-05-18] - 10:12:42 - "jduck1337" - RT @_juan_vazquez_: Added #metasploit module weblogic apache plugin POST bof, demo http://t.co/cELsKjYd, fingerprint via transfer-encodi ...[2012-05-14] - 12:44:23 - "SPoint" - OWASP France Daily Digest is out! http://t.co/g1vdWtQB ? Top stories today via @apacheshiro @soaj1664ashar @eoinkeary @issaarba[2012-05-13] - 12:16:32 - " Mephux" - @x0red @corq most of the problems I get are with basic setup.. I.e apache and MySQL .. Not much I can do there[2012-05-12] - 05:23:15 - "opexxx" - Medium - CVE-2012-2329 - Buffer overflow in the apache_request_headers...: Buffer overflow in the apache_request... http://t.co/C5AJJQkN[2012-05-12] - 05:08:17 - "dave_rel1k" - @dilisnya if i import a msf payload and use the apache verison it seems to work fine...[2012-05-12] - 05:08:17 - "dave_rel1k" - @Mormaii2 it'll be in the next release, but stop apache first /etc/init.d/apache2 stop[2012-05-12] - 05:08:17 - "dave_rel1k" - @dilisnya yea still working..give it a shot and take a look at the index.html under apache home root and let me know![2012-05-12] - 05:08:17 - "dave_rel1k" - @Mormaii2 cred harvester doesnt worth with apache ... needs to be the SET server its all native python[2012-05-11] - 11:10:13 - "i0n1c" - @KevinSMcArthur afaik Apache does not keep ssl key files open, it reads them into apache memory, where a local PHP exploit can steal it[2012-05-11] - 11:10:13 - "i0n1c" - @KevinSMcArthur it is unlikely that you can write to a DSO because apache most likely opened that FD with read permissions only[2012-05-11] - 11:10:13 - "i0n1c" - @PierreJoye well include php://fd/XXX; where XXX is the fd number of apache's TCP socket bypasses allow_url_include since 2010[2012-05-11] - 11:10:13 - "i0n1c" - @KevinSMcArthur writing fake requests into the apache logfiles is bad enough and I didn't try if a PHP script can steal port 80 socket[2012-05-11] - 11:10:13 - "i0n1c" - @KevinSMcArthur every single file descriptor apache opens (and keeps open) as root user is inherited by the forked lower privileged process[2012-05-11] - 10:39:05 - "egyp7" - @i0n1c they can also turn the apache socket into a shell in the same way. Metasploit has a php findsock stager for just that purpose.[2012-05-10] - 18:00:57 - "i0n1c" - @lukegb stdin won't help you in an apache module[2012-05-10] - 05:26:08 - "gcouprie" - quelqu'un connaitrait une bonne doc sur l'install apache2/fcgid/suexec-custom/php ? Ce que je trouve n'est pas très clair :/[2012-05-09] - 14:13:48 - " 0xcharlie" - @dakami @marshray @dangoodin001 @ErrataRob @i0n1c I don't think think it's fair to group something like php with, say, apache or IIS.[2012-05-04] - 20:20:40 - "xanda" - RT @thewildcat: The PHP-CGI apache_request_headers vulnerability details: http://t.co/NFgQpdkY#epic #fail :D[2012-05-04] - 16:34:42 - "i0n1c" - RT @ochsff: Ok, so since it's all over Twitter now, apache_request_headers is vulnerable to a remote exploitable heap buffer overflow?[2012-05-04] - 16:34:42 - "i0n1c" - RT @ochsff: ? but only applies if it's php-cgi and the script calls apache_request_headers(..) or one of its aliases.[2012-05-04] - 16:23:03 - "postmodern_mod3" - RT @ochsff: Ok, so since it's all over Twitter now, apache_request_headers is vulnerable to a remote exploitable heap buffer overflow?[2012-05-04] - 16:23:03 - "postmodern_mod3" - RT @ochsff: ? but only applies if it's php-cgi and the script calls apache_request_headers(..) or one of its aliases.[2012-05-04] - 08:31:05 - " jduck1337" - Anyone tried to trigger the fastcgi php-cgi apache_request_headers/getallheaders remote stack buffer overflow yet?[2012-05-03] - 06:17:17 - "rgerhards" - @J0elog just read it. Is the sequence right?I think it wld be better to have apache in front of the other actions-discard msg when forwarded[2012-04-16] - 12:16:46 - "SecMailLists" - Full Disclosure: [SECURITY] [DSA 2452-1] apache2 security update http://t.co/nzYYVCtX
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