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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme cisco (1783 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme cisco[2012-10-09] - 20:31:22 - "lmwalsh2112" - Cisco cuts ties with China partner reselling gear to Iran: http://t.co/PA5aPQEt #cisco #zte[2012-10-09] - 03:15:33 - "taosecurity" - Did you know @cisco had ties to China's ZTE, w/ZTE reselling Cisco in China, and illegally to Iran? Deal just ended. http://t.co/hXMpM9nq[2012-10-02] - 04:44:37 - "lmwalsh2112" - Who's Who on the short list to succeed John Chambers as CEO of Cisco: http://t.co/tJm1JGtE #cisco[2012-09-28] - 12:44:10 - "planetlevel" - RT @aspectsecurity: One week until JavaOne in San Francisco! When do you arrive? #JavaOne[2012-09-28] - 06:17:14 - "AnthonyGartner" - @bug_bear were you still doing some of the cisco stuff?[2012-09-27] - 05:32:49 - "lmwalsh2112" - Why Cisco is double-backing on ACE discontinuation: http://t.co/VgyQRg8w #cisco #wan-op[2012-09-27] - 05:32:49 - "lmwalsh2112" - Huawei won't be satisfied with just kicking Cisco out of the data center: http://t.co/7IM50Gj0 #huawei #cisco[2012-09-17] - 10:23:18 - " Viss" - San Francisco, I am in you. Also, Nikto has been upated, so everyone go svn up :D[2012-09-16] - 18:19:59 - "tomaszmiklas" - LCJ is one of very few airports that provides real FREE wifi, that is if you an expired self-signed cisco web-auth cert #valueoffree[2012-09-14] - 08:23:39 - "Beaker" - RT @ironfog: I am getting wonderfully frustrated that @cisco ASA firewalls have zero support for netconf or even XML PI #FAIL *waves*[2012-09-14] - 04:10:54 - "taosecurity" - @dguido pointed me to this 2003 PDF: @cisco motion for preliminary injunction against @huawei, filed in TX. http://t.co/58IrUSfo[2012-09-13] - 23:16:47 - "gattaca" - RT @alex_lanstein: The world recognizes that huawei outright broke into cisco and stole the IOS source code, right? No one forgot that? ...[2012-09-13] - 23:15:30 - "daveaitel" - RT @alex_lanstein: The world recognizes that huawei outright broke into cisco and stole the IOS source code, right? No one forgot that? ...[2012-09-08] - 02:38:14 - " hak5darren" - I'll be at the Ubuntu Global Jam in San Francisco trying out 12.10 with fellow hackers tomorrow. http://t.co/77vOg66X Come on out![2012-09-06] - 11:22:33 - "lmwalsh2112" - Cisco funds internal disruption; something everyone should do: http://t.co/har6A6UA #cisco_channels #cisco[2012-09-06] - 11:22:33 - "lmwalsh2112" - Cisco approves divorce of UC hardware and software; they're much happier apart: http://t.co/Ei0XECOz #cisco[2012-08-11] - 01:41:07 - "lmwalsh2112" - What do Cisco's Keith Goodwin and the Olympics have in common: http://t.co/Cbv7Tswm #cisco_channel[2012-08-02] - 00:05:55 - " lmwalsh2112" - IBM looks to re-engage in intrusion prevention technology: http://t.co/Wd62vMkJ #ibm #cisco #juniper[2012-07-30] - 01:24:47 - "SecRich" - Hauwei routers working with old cisco exploits. To much fun with bug compatible devices.[2012-07-27] - 16:58:34 - "lmwalsh2112" - Alcatel-Lucent plans 5,000 job cuts; could dampen plans to challenge Cisco services: http://t.co/JUvMj1Pb #cisco_channels[2012-07-27] - 05:45:41 - "winfang98" - @lulzortrain thanks for the helping out a cisco noob[2012-07-26] - 10:11:13 - "fbz" - wow complete opposite of cisco RT @attritionorg F5 at pwnies = real classy (seriously), lot of respect for them accepting a negative reward.[2012-07-25] - 03:00:18 - "st0rmz" - I'm hiring a DevOps Manager role in San Francisco. Come find me at BlackHat for details. Lots of other jobs as well at nCircle.[2012-07-24] - 07:15:33 - "lmwalsh2112" - Cisco remains in transition; shedding 2% of global workforce: http://t.co/zvkaYmds #cisco_channels[2012-07-19] - 23:18:58 - "bluetouff" - @MCCob Et cisco : USA, Mexique et Asie @nkgl @alexarchambault[2012-07-18] - 02:16:56 - "lmwalsh2112" - Cisco goes shopping for a virtualization security solution: http://t.co/OHsA2Rot #cisco #cisco_channels[2012-07-14] - 17:38:35 - "securegear" - #firewalls Free braindumps cisco,Microsoft Real exams only at www.Alli...: Free braindumps cisco,Microsoft Real... http://t.co/zlHzw4JO[2012-07-08] - 19:39:31 - "nullcon" - RT @ciscosecurity: Handy tool to check if your computer is infected by the DNS Changer malware. http://t.co/UAY68bOn[2012-07-06] - 13:05:18 - " dkulshitsky" - Use cisco firewalls to stop cisco routers from connecting to cloud services ;)[2012-07-01] - 10:45:35 - "iben" - @richardjgreen this is interesting - you liked dell over cisco ucs? what scale are you looking at?[2012-06-30] - 03:12:33 - "bidatasecurity" - NBrella® Launches System to Ensure Data Integrity in the Cloud ? Addresses ... - San Francisco Chronicle (press ... http://t.co/bUXyPLaH[2012-06-26] - 11:42:57 - "lmwalsh2112" - Cisco, Citrix team on accelerating partner virtualization practices: http://t.co/HZDJLXY2 #cisco_channels #citrix[2012-06-23] - 16:27:48 - "eEye" - Cisco patches vulnerabilities in VPN client, security appliances http://t.co/RjJvjbU4 #cisco #vulnerability #patch #netsec[2012-06-21] - 06:44:12 - "CiscoSecurity" - RT @jdallman: Great work @ciscosecurity CSDL @itron SDL. This is why we share @MSFTsdl practices. http://t.co/ieCHX64Y. #security ...[2012-06-20] - 14:15:32 - "lmwalsh2112" - Cisco's Keith Goodwin transitioning to retirement; new global channel chief named: http://t.co/yf79GYqh #cisco_channels #cisco[2012-06-14] - 08:45:21 - " bernard" - RT @aza: San Francisco public transit is like Linux. It's only cheaper if the value of your time is low.[2012-06-13] - 11:34:53 - "Viss" - @docwho76 at the moment I'm forcing 5ghz for troubleshooting. my mac is assoc'd at 5, backbone is gig. (cisco 3750g)[2012-06-12] - 06:04:04 - "lmwalsh2112" - What the death of Cisco's Cius and HP's TouchPad tablets really meant to the IT market: http://t.co/UJHK8Hn6 #cisco #tablets #hp[2012-06-12] - 06:04:04 - " lmwalsh2112" - Cisco, NetApp reward partners who specialize on FlexPod virtualization architecture: http://t.co/0ISbGZdT #netapp #cisco[2012-06-10] - 18:26:52 - "mfratto" - @cloudtoad I haven't looked that deeply. I am still learning Android and Java. :) You going to ciscolive next week?[2012-06-01] - 15:35:15 - "lmwalsh2112" - #Cisco sees managed services playing big role in hybrid clouds: http://t.co/PzHCOmHc @cisco_channels[2012-05-31] - 22:03:47 - "lmwalsh2112" - #Cisco envisions hybrid clouds supported by preemptive managed services: http://t.co/PzHCOmHc @cisco_channels @ciscoservices @cisconews[2012-05-31] - 22:03:47 - "lmwalsh2112" - The future of managed services is preemptive administration of hybrid clouds: http://t.co/PzHCOmHc #cloud #cisco @cisco_channels[2012-05-26] - 14:08:05 - "sambowne" - JavaScript Developer-Employer Speed Dating! (for Developers) - May 29 in San Francisco https://t.co/D4ABd2AD[2012-05-25] - 03:06:44 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #security #cisco #book Cisco Networking Simplified ... http://t.co/UYCJ2p3c[2012-05-25] - 03:06:44 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #security #cisco #exam #book Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices, Part 2 (ICND2): (CCNA Exam 640-802 and ICND exa ... http://t.co/N0LOXGwz[2012-05-24] - 01:11:46 - "kargig" - poor cisco guy... #tnc2012[2012-05-24] - 01:11:46 - "kargig" - RT @leifjohansson: @ioerror spanks #cisco over selling DPI technology to China. Cisco attendees observed blushing. #tnc2012[2012-05-22] - 18:59:33 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #security #cisco #book Troubleshooting Cisco IP Telephony ... http://t.co/Vowhnotg[2012-05-22] - 15:36:19 - "lmwalsh2112" - Can HP pull off the same recovery trick as Cisco did? It starts with layoffs: http://t.co/t0XwL1K4 #hp #cisco[2012-05-22] - 05:43:18 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #security #cisco #book Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE) Foundation Learning Guide: Foundation learning for the ... http://t.co/evNTE4K7[2012-05-22] - 05:43:18 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #security #cisco #book Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 1 (CIPT1) Foundation Learning Guide: ... http://t.co/0oiU35NO
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