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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme conficker (489 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme conficker[2012-09-29] - 13:16:06 - "mroesch" - RT @Sourcefire: Watch new Chalk Talks! Malware heuristics, NGFWs, conficker, more history of viruses, Rootkit DKOMs - http://t.co/ehcpKSvB[2012-09-18] - 20:37:08 - "lvdeijk" - @gsuberland 95% of stuff that lands on my dionaea hp is conficker based. I have more then 4 gb of that junk[2012-05-30] - 03:00:12 - "Infosanity" - @hushedfeet @lvdeijk Could be I'm just being inpatient. I was expecting plenty of conficker, but not 100% (according to AV sigs anyway)[2012-04-27] - 09:20:24 - "CiscoSecurity" - @Fe1s Ha, yes the April Fools' worm. The conficker worm of 2008-2009 is still causing a ruckus today infecting 1.7 million computers. -A[2012-02-29] - 22:06:32 - "spacerog" - Scammers worm conficker China hacker phreaking 2600 rootkit trojan keylogger malware virus botnet -put that in your filter and smoke it[2011-12-10] - 00:12:43 - "grey_area" - @josephmenn he seems to be the only one saying Duqu has been around since '07, and was used as a reconnaissance tool prior to conficker[2011-12-09] - 11:14:53 - " websense" - Insight: did conficker help sabotage Iran program http://t.co/TnztdGc5 @chicagotribune[2011-12-05] - 06:01:07 - "danchodanchev" - Conficker's link to Stuxnet is surreal http://t.co/q5MKqktY Related: Conficker's Scareware Business Model - http://t.co/UhzsTUEG #conficker[2011-12-02] - 20:25:16 - " ryanaraine" - conficker/stuxnet is quite the stretch.[2011-10-05] - 20:38:49 - "hackerfantastic" - RT @ryanaraine: worm -- a book about conficker http://t.co/wGsjaDnR[2011-10-05] - 17:50:09 - "ryanaraine" - worm -- a book about conficker http://t.co/wGsjaDnR[2011-09-29] - 08:25:12 - " gianlucaSB" - The conficker bot affected beer production http://ow.ly/6HvFa (via @teamcymru)[2011-09-29] - 06:34:10 - "gollmann" - Tips on explaining conficker incident response in business priorities - http://t.co/tOsmSGt8[2011-09-23] - 03:18:39 - " singe" - RT @security4all: South-African brewer loses 7.2£ million due to conficker. http://t.co/SKQzWNBX quote Keeping the business secure is n ...[2011-09-22] - 18:00:20 - "security4all" - South-African brewer loses 7.2£ million due to conficker. http://t.co/SKQzWNBX quote Keeping the business secure is not a strategy[2011-08-26] - 23:30:12 - "jeromesegura" - RT @dimitribest: @jorgemieres presentando sobre por qué conficker sigue siendo un dolor de cabeza en Ibero-America http://t.co/493Ix3y[2011-07-28] - 13:39:57 - "mbenlakhoua" - ALDI 4-in-1 device spreads conficker http://bit.ly/qJqKIc If you have one of these products get rid of it now![2011-07-01] - 09:02:22 - "hackinthebox" - Cleveland Police hit by Conficker infection - http://news.hitb.org/content/cleveland-police-hit-conficker-infection[2011-06-29] - 00:42:07 - "briankrebs" - @bobmcmillan sorry didn't see this till now. There are many things that are unlikely about that SBU press release, incl. the conficker info[2011-06-28] - 06:36:40 - "bobmcmillan" - The more I learn about this Ukranian conficker bust the more confusing it gets. Sound like scareware to you? http://bit.ly/leYzkC[2011-06-23] - 22:03:12 - "briankrebs" - and who was processing payments for that rogue av affiliate program that benefited from 1st v. conficker worm? today's story has a clue :)[2011-04-22] - 00:17:38 - " sphackr" - Botnet takedown sets legal, not technical, precedent http://bit.ly/dUJA1w #infosec #conficker #botnet[2011-03-21] - 16:03:33 - "sphackr" - Team up again to fight Conficker's chums http://www.financialdirector.co.uk/financial-director/opinion/2035205/team-fight-confickers-chums[2011-03-11] - 13:22:29 - "MBenLakhoua" - RT @sphackr: Conficker Is Down But Not Out http://www.pctools.com/security-news/conficker-worm/ #secure #stuxnet[2011-03-11] - 12:54:11 - "sphackr" - Conficker Is Down But Not Out http://www.pctools.com/security-news/conficker-worm/ #secure #stuxnet[2011-02-24] - 18:17:17 - "sphackr" - Conficker Working Group: Lessons Learned http://www.csoroundtable.org/knowledge/conficker-working-group-lessons-learned #secure #stuxnet[2011-02-16] - 15:02:39 - "sphackr" - Botnets boomed in 2010, says report http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/021511-botnets-boomed-in-2010-says.html #conficker #secure[2011-02-15] - 21:07:32 - " sphackr" - Conficker fading away claims IT security vendor http://bit.ly/fr4iSd #stuxnet #conficker #infosec #secure[2011-02-14] - 22:53:17 - "hrbrmstr" - #metricon What's the half-life of a conficker infection...in decades?[2011-01-26] - 09:48:08 - " 0x58" - Combating Conficker: What Worked, What Didn't http://bit.ly/dGMjfl #conficker #malware #infosec #security (via @DarkReading)[2011-01-25] - 12:12:06 - "mosesrenegade" - That conficker document is important for all security pros to read and think about. If your in the u.s. you already paid for it read it.[2011-01-20] - 11:46:05 - "sphackr" - Why the Stuxnet worm could be Conficker's cousin? http://usat.ly/haD3oZ #stuxnet #conficker #secure[2010-11-12] - 20:52:20 - "sphackr" - 20 mb exe files from diferent conficker worm versions http://owned-nets.blogspot.com/2010/11/20-mb-exe-files-from-diferent-conficker.html[2010-11-08] - 23:24:14 - " sphackr" - http://potrident.wordpress.com/2010/11/07/dark-clouds/ #secure #conficker Cloudcomputing. the biggest cloud[2010-11-07] - 01:14:02 - "jeromesegura" - ?@bpasquale: OK Mac users. Dowloaded Sophos and it detected Conflickr virus and cannot remove. Any ideas???? err its called conficker...[2010-10-26] - 09:21:04 - "gcluley" - @thorsheim Passwords used by the Conficker worm: http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2009/01/16/passwords-conficker-worm/[2010-10-20] - 06:34:47 - "gcluley" - @thorsheim Passwords used by the Conficker worm: http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2009/01/16/passwords-conficker-worm/[2010-09-19] - 03:40:53 - "StephenNorthcut" - @briankrebs, history repeats itself conficker turned out to be smarter than first thought too[2010-09-17] - 21:49:30 - "sphackr" - Conficker Continues to Infect the Internet!! http://alliptech.com/2010/09/conficker-continues-to-infect-the-internet/ #secure #conficker[2010-09-17] - 21:49:30 - "sphackr" - Stuxnet attackers used 4 Windows zero-day exploits http://zd.net/byLsgW #stuxnet #secure #conficker[2010-09-17] - 21:49:30 - "sphackr" - The developers of the conficker worm are giving a hint!! #secure #stuxnet #security #worm #virus #infosec #grp4010 @ltd470 #stupidcwg 2-bit[2010-09-17] - 03:41:33 - "zfasel" - @ChrisJohnRiley heh, or 500-worst-passwords. rockyou + conficker + webster combined list was today's mix of choice.[2010-09-17] - 02:24:18 - "lbhuston" - @sempersecurus Code update detected anywhere in the Conficker world? Are you sure the data is conficker and not another malware?[2010-07-29] - 01:08:36 - " sphackr" - Botnet hacker caught in Slovenia. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-10786701 #worm #conficker #mariposa #secure[2010-07-18] - 01:24:57 - "lpingree" - [Blog] Creative way to detect a conficker infection: The folks over at the Confiker Working Group have created a pre... http://s3nt.com/fgyq[2010-07-18] - 01:24:57 - "lpingree" - [Blog] Creative way to detect a conficker infection: The folks over at the Confiker Working Group have created a pretty creative little ...[2010-07-07] - 05:37:31 - "danielsnyder1" - Password stealers conficker top June malware. @bbrian017 @CNETNews[2010-07-07] - 05:37:31 - "danielsnyder1" - Password stealers conficker top June malware. http://bit.ly/9LtCLg[2010-06-21] - 18:28:28 - " commonism" - @NetworkDefense @sempersecurus known bug, unexpected conficker behaviour: dionaea replies, conficker retries - multiple files per attack[2010-06-14] - 17:47:50 - " sphackr" - Could The Conficker Virus Have Been Written By The Antivirus Industry? http://bit.ly/dnxT9b #conficker #secure[2010-06-02] - 19:32:23 - " sphackr" - Defence? conficker http://www.siliconindia.com/shownews/Cyber_defence_still_uncertainNSA_veteran-nid-68427.html[2010-05-21] - 03:25:36 - "ivanristic" - RT @lukeoconnor: Conficker, RSA and RC4 http://lukenotricks.blogspot.com/2010/05/conficker-rsa-and-rc4.html
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