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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme defcon (1686 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme defcon[2012-10-09] - 03:23:18 - " tdirro" - @i0n1c i guess they also didn't get the point of @41414141's talk at defcon.....[2012-10-01] - 22:46:08 - "oncee" - RT @cliffsull: Huge props to @irongeek_adc for getting defcon videos up so quickly ---+1[2012-09-27] - 16:02:25 - "hackerfantastic" - RT @_defcon_: Check out the detailed report of the findings from the DEF CON 20 Social Engineering CTF! http://t.co/aSk5fimr[2012-09-14] - 20:10:07 - " TheChrisAM" - Check out the awesome artistry from DEFCON 20 RT @zebbler: @TheChrisAM https://t.co/4BzfbJWc :-)#defcon #defcon20 #dc20[2012-09-13] - 23:55:26 - " Jabra" - @egyp7: Blog post about current_user_psexec Metasploit module I demo'd at #defcon - https://t.co/d9MPrgvM good times![2012-09-13] - 21:07:46 - "BorjaMerino" - RT @egyp7: Blog post about current_user_psexec Metasploit module I demo'd at #defcon - https://t.co/bBwYQ66w[2012-09-13] - 20:21:18 - " hacktalkblog" - RT @egyp7: Blog post about current_user_psexec Metasploit module I demo'd at #defcon - https://t.co/bBwYQ66w[2012-09-13] - 11:29:23 - " jaysonstreet" - RT @egyp7: Blog post about current_user_psexec Metasploit module I demo'd at #defcon - https://t.co/bBwYQ66w[2012-09-13] - 10:26:30 - "Viss" - @Tactical_Intel I don't reddit. Only experience with it I have is when my vid from defcon made /r/netsec[2012-09-13] - 07:53:32 - "jduck1337" - RT @egyp7: Blog post about current_user_psexec Metasploit module I demo'd at #defcon - https://t.co/bBwYQ66w[2012-09-12] - 23:47:16 - "egyp7" - Blog post about current_user_psexec Metasploit module I demo'd at #defcon - https://t.co/bBwYQ66w[2012-09-12] - 23:44:59 - "Marsmensch" - RT @egyp7: Blog post about current_user_psexec Metasploit module I demo'd at #defcon - https://t.co/bBwYQ66w[2012-09-12] - 20:16:28 - " hdmoore" - RT @egyp7: Blog post about current_user_psexec Metasploit module I demo'd at #defcon - https://t.co/bBwYQ66w[2012-09-12] - 10:09:26 - "digininja" - @Mr_Protocol I met them at defcon and they seemed ok. @n00bznet knows them and recommends[2012-09-11] - 16:55:36 - " DarkReading" - Def Con social engineering contest postmortem shows retail fail, oil gas nearly impermeable: http://t.co/qmCRw4aU #defcon[2012-09-11] - 15:28:37 - " egyp7" - I liked my defcon Coders' Rights tshirt from @EFF a lot until I found out it glows in the dark -- now it's my favorite.[2012-09-06] - 21:27:41 - "hacktalkblog" - @networkjesus quote of defcon, FREE PORN!!![2012-09-06] - 14:03:38 - "Niki7a" - @shitroamersays cont. looking at pics on the iPad of u passed out at defcon, got me ugly looks,so i said loudly awww it's unckie roamer.[2012-09-06] - 11:26:03 - "egyp7" - @Viss @drinkup Awesome. I'm only about a third of the way through the ghost pepper powder you gave me at defcon. 3 Thanks again. =)[2012-09-06] - 04:42:48 - "TheChrisAM" - @zebbler Do you have videos posted anywhere of the defcon sign from the pool and the exploded logo?[2012-09-06] - 03:36:30 - "aarontpeterson" - One of the better things I saw at #BlackHat/#defcon this year. A nice set of gdb extensions for exploit dev, and RE: http://t.co/IGcq3ihp[2012-08-19] - 07:23:34 - "jaysonstreet" - @rogueclown @JGamblin no rogue don't steal my audience like you did at defcon I still 3 U :-)[2012-08-19] - 07:01:05 - "jwgoerlich" - RT @JGamblin: Just heard @beaker on NPR talking about defcon kids. // Yep. Good times.[2012-08-16] - 23:28:57 - "JGamblin" - I wonder how many red cards would Asange have got at defcon?[2012-08-16] - 23:28:57 - "JGamblin" - @Gillis57 if its bad at defcon why is it OK to stick up for someone trying to escape being held responsible for the same thing?[2012-08-16] - 23:28:57 - "JGamblin" - @krypt3ia amazed at the people who are sticking up for someone accused of doing what they were saying they would never condone at defcon.[2012-08-16] - 22:35:18 - "Gillis57" - @SteveD3 Hell yeah. Hope you enjoyed it at defcon, should be gone by the next one (cc @diami03 @tottenkoph)[2012-08-16] - 01:32:29 - " sambowne" - A Defcon speaker's badge gets you into nightclubs, turns undead, repels bullets @jjarmoc @myrcurial @zfasel @spacerog @_defcon_[2012-08-14] - 12:30:42 - "humanhacker" - RT @benrothke: How a lying 'social engineer' hacked Wal-Mart at DefCon http://t.co/kO46NV8f Thanks Ben@_defcon_ @Walmart #SECTF[2012-08-14] - 06:49:20 - "_defcon_" - RT @SamuraiCTF: @_defcon_ http://t.co/9v7mXas6 contains some information and poc's for supernothing's wireshark DOS bugs used by Samurai ...[2012-08-14] - 06:49:20 - "_defcon_" - RT @LaughingSquid: DEFCON Documentary Being Produced by Jason Scott http://t.co/tYy3jnlj - @textfiles @_defcon_[2012-08-12] - 17:38:15 - "TheSuggmeister" - RT @humanhacker: RT @benrothke: How a lying 'social engineer' hacked Wal-Mart at DefCon http://t.co/kO46NV8f Thanks Ben@_defcon_ ...[2012-08-10] - 21:28:15 - "lbhuston" - RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: New Vegas DENNY'S To Include Wedding Chapel... http://t.co/tNbMghYX See a defcon project for next year? :P @Poseurs_DC[2012-08-08] - 15:49:34 - "pauldotcom" - The Defcon XX music compilation is BAD ASS! Make your contribution to support #EFF and get your copy: http://t.co/Fiq0b27N #defcon[2012-08-08] - 13:14:51 - " chrissullo" - @doctorow The H+ web series echoes some themes you brought up at defcon http://t.co/gzREo2YM[2012-08-07] - 22:21:51 - "hak5darren" - @moxie congrats on the big secure update. Tried to use Gibberbot at defcon as an alternative. Difficult without data. Cheers![2012-08-07] - 02:24:40 - "McGrewSecurity" - @PwnieExpress lol I bought a pwnplug at defcon and didn't even get a shirt, otherwise I would.[2012-08-07] - 01:49:27 - "spacerog" - Defcon badges going for crazy money on eBay, Press badge at $132 http://t.co/sObd4I0e umm, @_defcon_ will sell you a badge for $40[2012-08-06] - 23:01:06 - "Gillis57" - Clawing my way back onto the diet train today after a rough and tumble derailing at defcon station.[2012-08-06] - 22:19:23 - "Viss" - @tweetsoutloud please tell me you got that mowhawk at defcon :D ( cc @luperbot)[2012-08-06] - 18:17:14 - " winfang98" - @dorkultra @dave_rel1k did it to me at defcon :-)[2012-08-06] - 15:22:43 - "_argp" - RT @thegrugq: I would point out that there were people running fuzzes on GSM at defcon. If you phone crashed though, that?s just cause A ...[2012-08-06] - 15:22:43 - "_argp" - @silviocesare yea that sucked, btw were you at defcon or just blackhat?[2012-08-05] - 21:01:01 - " TheChrisAM" - I've had SSH into your heart stuck in my head all night. Goddamnit #defcon[2012-08-05] - 10:26:50 - "thedarktangent" - The zerosecurity post about a Russian hacker being arrested at #defcon is true, but it happened in 2001. Adobe vs. Elcomsoft[2012-08-05] - 08:03:23 - "grecs" - RT @theprez98 My phone didn't act up during #defcon at all. Then again, having an effective ATT DDoS will do that to you. -+1[2012-08-05] - 00:18:46 - "corq" - @joshcorman I saw HB shirts at defcon, but didn't know abt any freebies... I haz a sad now[2012-08-04] - 22:28:40 - "Gillis57" - Been damn difficult to get back into the swing of diet/exercise after defcon. Forcing myself to start again right now.[2012-08-04] - 17:05:58 - "winfang98" - Just listen to an awesome talk by @egyp7 about metasploit awesomesauce #defcon[2012-08-04] - 15:54:15 - "collinrm" - I enjoy watching the TCP/IP and web security folks trying to figure the defcon phone hacking... thanks :-)[2012-08-04] - 15:54:15 - "collinrm" - RT @iamnion: people who believe that someone is burning baseband 0days at #defcon are a bit naive in my opinion. but maybe that's just me ;)[2012-08-04] - 06:30:05 - "Niki7a" - @wimremes UAT table in vendor area at defcon. It was a gift from my boy bestie @shitroamersays I love it on him. Qq
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