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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme hacker (569 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme hacker[2012-10-10] - 11:00:44 - "teksquisite" - Kernel crimps make Windows 8 a hacker hassle http://t.co/t6paq8FI[2012-10-10] - 08:58:22 - "TimelessP" - RT @Netw0rkSecurity: #OWASP XSS vulnerability found in MasterCard site by nullcrew | Cyberwarzone - The well-known hacker group NullCrew ...[2012-10-10] - 02:38:43 - "DarkOperator" - Kernel crimps make Windows 8 a hacker hassle http://t.co/4yPtYTED[2012-10-10] - 02:14:22 - " regsecurity" - Kernel crimps make Windows 8 a hacker hassle: The kernel is the new battleground, says ReactOS and iOS co-author Ale? http://t.co/IA964SPW[2012-10-09] - 23:21:43 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP XSS vulnerability found in MasterCard site by nullcrew | Cyberwarzone - The well-known hacker group NullCrew ... http://t.co/HONZ3VCm[2012-10-09] - 22:46:35 - "obsequens" - Android adware, Zitmo botnets and Romanian hackers, oh my!: We're not in Kansas anymore: The third quarter of 20... http://t.co/T01wAZNW[2012-10-09] - 21:48:13 - " InfosecurityMag" - Android adware, Zitmo botnets and Romanian hackers, oh my! http://t.co/XTSQTT7u[2012-10-08] - 17:00:49 - " humanhacker" - RT @s41ph3r: Just picked up started reading Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking by Chris Hadnagy. Great read! @humanhackerTKS[2012-10-08] - 03:39:52 - "lostinsecurity" - RT @hackerfantastic: Releasing portable 64bit OS-X kernel rootkit that uses no hardcoded address for Lion below. http://t.co/pFezR ...[2012-10-07] - 14:25:25 - "tomaszmiklas" - RT @hackerfantastic: Releasing portable 64bit OS-X kernel rootkit that uses no hardcoded address for Lion below. http://t.co/pFezR ...[2012-10-07] - 12:44:45 - "hackerfantastic" - RT @snare: OK I'm changing my nick to snape to match @hackerfantastic's rootkit greetz, and for hogwartz++[2012-10-07] - 03:11:21 - "xanda" - RT @hackerfantastic: Releasing portable 64bit OS-X kernel rootkit that uses no hardcoded address for Lion below. http://t.co/pFezR ...[2012-10-06] - 18:55:51 - " Ivanlef0u" - RT @hackerfantastic: Releasing portable 64bit OS-X kernel rootkit that uses no hardcoded address for Lion below. http://t.co/pFezR ...[2012-10-06] - 17:31:48 - " EdiStrosar" - RT @hackerfantastic: Releasing portable 64bit OS-X kernel rootkit that uses no hardcoded address for Lion below. http://t.co/pFezR ...[2012-10-06] - 16:35:53 - " virturity" - RT @hackerfantastic: Releasing portable 64bit OS-X kernel rootkit that uses no hardcoded address for Lion below. http://t.co/pFezR ...[2012-10-06] - 08:10:22 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP SQL INJECTION THROUGH SQLMAP BURP PLUGIN - SQL Injection is a web based attack used by hackers to steal sens ... http://t.co/XTbSbeMK[2012-10-05] - 21:10:24 - "hackinthebox" - RT @hackerschoice: Hack-in-the-Box conference: IPv6 Pentesting Training + presentation on new IPv6 vulns + new thc-ipv6 release! :-) #ip ...[2012-10-05] - 06:36:57 - " CanDeger" - SQL Injection and XSS vulnerability in http://t.co/V9MeLXWO: A grey-hat hacker has discovered Critical SQL inject... http://t.co/Rk1OdgRd[2012-10-05] - 00:47:04 - "securityshell" - RT @hackerschoice: Hack-in-the-Box conference: IPv6 Pentesting Training + presentation on new IPv6 vulns + new thc-ipv6 release! :-) #ip ...[2012-10-04] - 23:55:44 - " Marsmensch" - RT @hackerschoice: Hack-in-the-Box conference: IPv6 Pentesting Training + presentation on new IPv6 vulns + new thc-ipv6 release! :-) #ip ...[2012-10-04] - 03:21:12 - "DarkOperator" - US bank site hackers used advanced botnets http://t.co/S2XSt8WG[2012-10-03] - 16:35:35 - "MarioVilas" - RT @julioauto: Looking for python hackers to come join me in Amsterdam on a great job! Interested? Know anyone?[2012-10-03] - 11:33:05 - " DrInfoSec" - U.S. bank website hackers used advanced botnets, diverse tools News http://t.co/HBvd7zY9 [ecosystem][2012-10-03] - 06:15:03 - "hackerfantastic" - RT @itablackhawk: ProjectPier RCE http://t.co/CVjH3mdG @hackerfantastic i love when Apache features help you exploiting a server ;)[2012-10-02] - 09:36:51 - "fbz" - @brucon wop. wop wop wop wop. open brucon style. wop. wop wop wop wop. heeeeey sexy hackers! wop. wop wop wop wop.[2012-10-02] - 06:20:27 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP XSS vulnerability found in MasterCard site by nullcrew | Cyberwarzone - The well-known hacker group NullCrew ... http://t.co/zCLE6i8d[2012-10-01] - 17:08:15 - "ethicalhacker" - New article by @humanhacker - Social Engineering as a Technical Tool http://t.co/aIfuT7dy Catch him at #DerbyCon tonight![2012-10-01] - 15:52:34 - "jnordine" - RT @armitagehacker: The guide to NMAP from Hakin9. Read chapter 1: http://t.co/f8tOmP83 then: http://t.co/r9nGOc39[2012-10-01] - 12:05:55 - "CanDeger" - XSS vulnerability found in MasterCard site by nullcrew: The well-known hacker group NullCrew has discovered a no... http://t.co/rsaFsKZD[2012-10-01] - 07:44:48 - " rogueclown" - rogue, you are the female Dan Savage. - @hackerhuntress[2012-09-30] - 15:56:48 - "teksquisite" - RT @humanhacker: RT @ethicalhacker: New article by @humanhacker - Social Engineering as a Technical Tool http://t.co/Y007bGya Catch him ...[2012-09-29] - 07:30:44 - "oncee" - RT @humanhacker: RT @ethicalhacker: New article by @humanhacker - Social Engineering as a Technical Tool http://t.co/Y007bGya Catch him ...[2012-09-29] - 04:35:43 - "Steve_Hunt" - I could sure use some more PCI QSAs, experienced whitehat hackers, or experienced information security consultants. Anybody want a new job?[2012-09-28] - 22:03:38 - " codigoverde" - La nueva Kindle Fire de Amazon supuestamente a prueba de hackers http://t.co/t0pVhjMn #hacking #infosec #SeguridadInformática[2012-09-28] - 17:18:16 - "iben" - StopThehacker provides cloud based AI for website security for detection and remediation #csnp #fb http://t.co/eHwVV3aK[2012-09-28] - 16:23:13 - "hrbrmstr" - RT @kidko92: Holy crap. Did the news just say that the DDoS hacker attacks mean A Cyberwar is underway!?!?!?? // #cybercybercybercyber[2012-09-28] - 12:18:19 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP Invadir sites por sql injection ( Havij ) [ JovensHackers Com Br - http://jovenshackers com br - Twitter ... http://t.co/Blak1r4q[2012-09-28] - 03:56:20 - "eLearnSecurity" - After the great demand of accessing our Brucon challenge we are extending it to other 10 hackers! Come to our booth at #brucon2012[2012-09-27] - 17:03:57 - "thedarktangent" - RT @humanhacker: No more waiting! Defcon 20 #SocialEngineering CTF Report finally released: http://t.co/6sJBdg8t RT pls[2012-09-27] - 10:12:41 - " pdp" - RT @hackernewsbot: Beta Late Than Never (Steam Linux Beta)... http://t.co/4e51y7Xh[2012-09-27] - 09:50:52 - "matalaz" - RT @noticiashacker1: Si sobró licor café y pulpo por un tuvo es porque @matalaz se quedó en casa con su 0day. Eso es así. #lacon2k12[2012-09-23] - 20:31:37 - "2gg" - RT @ErrataRob: Instead of the rumor ZDI sells 0day, hackers may be reversing it from IPS sigs http://t.co/fwtBZHwi[2012-09-22] - 16:25:25 - "taosecurity" - Nations used to send messages by parking warships off the coast of target nations. Now they tell hackers to DDoS high profile Web sites.[2012-09-22] - 16:15:12 - "mosesrenegade" - Threatpost interview with the eu pwn2own hackers on IOS hacking. http://t.co/mdewiRSX[2012-09-22] - 04:09:19 - "xntrik" - RT @taosecurity: Nations used to send messages by parking warships off the coast of target nations. Now they tell hackers to DDoS high p ...[2012-09-21] - 11:41:22 - "ToolsWatch" - RT @armitagehacker: Free BlackHat Attack Tools Workshop Webcast: Armitage, Smart Phone Pen Testing FW, and ThreadFix http://t.co/YcVvSmF ...[2012-09-21] - 06:54:39 - "jcran" - RT @armitagehacker: Free BlackHat Attack Tools Workshop Webcast: Armitage, Smart Phone Pen Testing FW, and ThreadFix http://t.co/YcVvSmF ...[2012-09-20] - 19:54:23 - "AVGFree" - As hackers find ever more creative ways to circumvent security, could biometrics be the answer to online security?(BBC) http://t.co/yiMdDMSj[2012-09-20] - 15:47:23 - "humanhacker" - RT @researchgoddess: Hey @humanhacker, @shally was talking about Maltego here earlier :D #sourcecon Still the best tool on the web[2012-09-20] - 11:59:57 - "SophosLabs" - Over 9 million PCs infected ? ZeroAccess botnet uncovered, and hackers earning $100,000 per day http://t.co/P5oFU3ML[2012-09-20] - 08:05:54 - "ryanaraine" - Using a pair of 0day vulns, a team of hackers from MWR Labs hacked into a Samsung Galaxy S3 running Android 4.0.4 http://t.co/4efFRDNj[2012-09-20] - 07:36:54 - " PatrickCMiller" - RT @SCADAhacker: Nessus - The Swiss Army Knife of Vulnerability Scanning - @TenableSecurity - http://t.co/SQ4RoqNs
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