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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme linux (2767 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme linux[2012-10-09] - 09:28:27 - " abedra" - If you write code that runs on linux systems and haven't read this, stop what you are doing and read. http://t.co/MVno8Dz5[2012-10-08] - 01:13:39 - " ag4ve" - my googlefu myst be off - what's the linux command to integrate dynamically linked libraries into an elf?[2012-10-06] - 05:57:41 - " postmodern_mod3" - @avdi your probably safer defining linux? macosx? methods that check RbConfig::CONFIG['host'] instead of RUBY_PLATFORM.[2012-10-06] - 00:22:36 - "th3j35t3r" - @SSG_Echo If u are new to linux, Ubuntu, but I hear it's not so hot w/the Unity desktop. Also I'll be releasing 'JesterLinux' at some point.[2012-10-04] - 21:57:49 - "netik" - RT @wil: fuck it. i'll never say unix again. i'll just say linux and you can have a fucking epiphany when you discover that it works o ...[2012-10-03] - 21:25:22 - "coolacid" - RT @linuxworldwide: Portal Is the First Game on Steam for Linux http://t.co/3k8vKrrd #linux[2012-10-03] - 10:04:42 - "revskills" - RT @jlalcazar: Buen resumen de los principales cambios en el kernel 3.6 de linux http://t.co/CIj9VNzm #linux #kernel #3.6[2012-10-02] - 06:59:54 - " inliniac" - RT @Regiteric: #linux Kernel 3.6 is out. You can now test #suricata AF_PACKET IPS mode with multiple capture threads. http://t.co/cN5ybAJZ[2012-09-27] - 20:47:11 - "andrewsmhay" - #lazyweb What would be your 'top 5 ways to secure a linux server'?[2012-09-27] - 04:33:38 - "rgerhards" - structured linux kernel logging and rsyslog: http://t.co/2Gr5LvfB[2012-09-27] - 04:11:39 - "corq" - @jcossaboom can't find cite for it now, but computer associates fraud case several yrs ago, 'oops I installed linux' obstruction card played[2012-09-22] - 00:40:20 - "revskills" - SEAndroid - SELinux Wiki http://t.co/RYJPoqlk #selinux #android[2012-09-22] - 00:40:20 - "revskills" - The SELinux Project: Userspace Development - Trac http://t.co/3MtRv5dH #selinux #meego[2012-09-21] - 07:23:03 - "haxorthematrix" - #lazyweb - Need reccomendations for some forum software on apache/linux, that is easy to use, configure and can be secured. Captcha a bonus.[2012-09-20] - 05:25:33 - "coolacid" - Query - how would one access a RS485 bus via linux? ;)[2012-09-20] - 04:12:15 - "mortman" - @mfdii @reillyusa And for the linux folks. Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub! Yay g-d.[2012-09-19] - 06:01:31 - "coolacid" - Did damn small linux die? Herm, need a small linux.[2012-09-18] - 22:43:31 - "bortzmeyer" - RT @linuxinstall: How CloudFlare dealt with a 65Gbps #DDOS Attack... http://t.co/yrFXZR0z #linux #architecture #corporations #dnssec[2012-09-18] - 22:43:31 - "bortzmeyer" - @linuxinstall Strange capitalization of open. May be you mixed open DNS servers with the company OpenDNS?[2012-09-18] - 22:43:31 - "bortzmeyer" - @vihaire Justement,l 'article de CloudFlare ne parlait pas de TCP, c'est celui de @linuxinstall qui s'est senti obligé d'ajouter ça.[2012-09-18] - 05:17:37 - "devilok" - SamuraiWTF 2.0 SVN Repository Bug Tracker http://t.co/ZRq1bgr0 #livecd #linux #webappsec[2012-09-17] - 20:19:59 - "alexandrosilva" - RT @tush4r: The first version of the Linux kernel (0.01) was released to the Internet on 17 Sep 1991. Happy Bday Linux!!! #fb #linux #li ...[2012-09-17] - 19:31:38 - "w3af" - RT @tush4r: The first version of the Linux kernel (0.01) was released to the Internet on 17 Sep 1991. Happy Bday Linux!!! #fb #linux #li ...[2012-09-17] - 05:44:03 - "joedamato" - dad: ever heard of a system called linux or something?me: yeadad: ever use it?me: a couple timesdad: what do you use? DOS, i guess?[2012-09-17] - 03:09:03 - "rogueclown" - @mztriz for IRC, i just keep a screen session of irssi on a linux shell i have, and ssh into it from whatever box i happen to be on.[2012-09-16] - 11:04:54 - "ramblinpeck" - anyone have advice for optimizing linux on SSD? finally made the jump, any config changes actually make a difference?[2012-09-16] - 08:14:55 - " ag4ve" - recommendations for linux twitter client? qwit isn't updating (initial - just showing my last tweet, nothing else) it would post either.[2012-09-15] - 06:37:29 - "lostinsecurity" - RT @egeektronic: all linux kernel rootkits forgot about __NR_sysfs / sys_sysfs to hide itself from linux_check_modules volatility =)[2012-09-14] - 21:08:13 - "coolacid" - RT @wftl: Linux nonsense! http://t.co/oobOsXLH It could land you a dream job! Or not. #linux #nonsense[2012-09-13] - 18:58:59 - "mosesrenegade" - RT @linuxfoundation: Original: Linux Distribution Updates: 6 New Releases, Plus a World of Choice http://t.co/kKbncY4K #linux[2012-09-12] - 18:19:53 - " isecom" - Newly updated live #linux distro for OSSTMM users now available! Read about it here: http://t.co/vrG0Uy76[2012-09-12] - 13:21:56 - "MarioVilas" - RT @noticiashacker1: Los modulos netfilter del kernel de linux están cansados de kernels monolíticos y piden la independencia.[2012-09-12] - 01:07:02 - " kargig" - @ebalaskas ?? linux ?? ????? permissions. ????? ??????? ?????? ?? task? ?????? ?? ???????? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? @thanosk[2012-09-12] - 00:38:29 - "freaklabs" - @johnbaichtal yo momma so dumb, she got arrested for downloading linux[2012-09-11] - 23:30:08 - "Mephux" - @postmodern_mod3 so, when linux was packaging 1.8.* and a bunch of other f'ed up packages.. did you just say i'll learn to live with it?[2012-09-11] - 22:11:12 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP Twitter / backboxlinux: Alice Gate AGPF: CSRF - Alice Gate AGPF: CSRF reconfiguration vulnerability disc ... http://t.co/yFA04J4B[2012-09-09] - 02:31:44 - " chiefmonkey" - Run linux? Want to beta test the Linux Steam beta? Click here quickly! Let's do this! http://steamforlinux. (...) http://t.co/H1soizsZ[2012-09-06] - 22:40:27 - "hackerzvoice" - RT @backtracklinux: Warning! @DistroWatch linking to unofficial BackTrack mirrors. Make sure you download BT from official sources - Plz RT[2012-08-20] - 07:50:15 - "humanhacker" - RT @backtracklinux: Warning! @DistroWatch linking to unofficial BackTrack mirrors. Make sure you download BT from official sources - Plz RT[2012-08-19] - 06:49:22 - "hal_pomeranz" - RT @pdp: http://t.co/zDGvIOgI Perllinux, or Linux in Perl [This one's for @codeslack and @attrc, via @wimremes][2012-08-18] - 06:56:25 - "GNUCITIZEN" - RT @pdp: http://t.co/Xw7zI1R9 Perllinux, or Linux in Perl I know some people who will be ecstatic about this.:[2012-08-17] - 08:05:41 - " daleapearson" - Any recommendations for lightweight linux distro for wifi work, thats still developed / maintained?? BT5 rocks, but its always growing[2012-08-16] - 11:19:45 - " NHSangani" - RT @backtracklinux: Warning! @DistroWatch linking to unofficial BackTrack mirrors. Make sure you download BT from official sources - Plz RT[2012-08-15] - 02:54:22 - "Carlos_Perez" - RT @backtracklinux: Warning! @DistroWatch linking to unofficial BackTrack mirrors. Make sure you download BT from official sources - Plz RT[2012-08-15] - 02:21:54 - " bernard" - RT @backtracklinux: Warning! @DistroWatch linking to unofficial BackTrack mirrors. Make sure you download BT from official sources - Plz RT[2012-08-15] - 00:10:39 - " Jabra" - @backtracklinux: Warning! @DistroWatch linking to unofficial BT mirrors. use offical mirrors or verify the md5 using the offical source.[2012-08-14] - 23:08:12 - "dookie2000ca" - RT @backtracklinux: Warning! @DistroWatch linking to unofficial BackTrack mirrors. Make sure you download BT from official sources - Plz RT[2012-08-14] - 19:27:51 - " offsectraining" - RT @backtracklinux: BackTrack 5 R3 Released! Torrent downloads only for now : http://t.co/mpUcWzUk Download page to be updated soon.[2012-08-14] - 14:12:37 - " EdiStrosar" - RT @backtracklinux: BackTrack 5 R3 Released! Torrent downloads only for now : http://t.co/mpUcWzUk Download page to be updated soon.[2012-08-14] - 13:17:25 - "xanda" - RT @corinamackay: Linux founder Linus Torvalds delivers a smackdown like no other http://t.co/d0XcjdyH #linux[2012-08-14] - 12:18:34 - "emgent" - RT @backtracklinux: BackTrack 5 R3 Released! Torrent downloads only for now : http://t.co/mpUcWzUk Download page to be updated soon.[2012-08-14] - 11:18:14 - " jnordine" - RT @backtracklinux: BackTrack 5 R3 Released! Torrent downloads only for now : http://t.co/g7YALl8t Download page to be updated soon. -Yay
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