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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme overflow (627 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme overflow[2012-10-10] - 10:42:27 - "julianor" - RT @suffert: RT @devttyS0: Exploiting a MIPS stack overflow in the DIR-605L's CAPTCHA implementation: http://t.co/DNUlrwS4[2012-10-09] - 17:30:46 - "daveaitel" - RT @suffert: RT @devttyS0: Exploiting a MIPS stack overflow in the DIR-605L's CAPTCHA implementation: http://t.co/DNUlrwS4[2012-10-09] - 15:19:05 - "2gg" - RT @matalaz: Exploiting a MIPS stack overflow http://t.co/DtKXUALD[2012-10-09] - 15:04:50 - " FlUxIuS" - RT @devttyS0: Exploiting a MIPS stack overflow in the DIR-605L's CAPTCHA implementation: http://t.co/MWym14YS[2012-10-09] - 14:50:47 - "matalaz" - Exploiting a MIPS stack overflow http://t.co/DtKXUALD[2012-10-08] - 21:48:52 - "mortman" - @ironfog I would totally introduce buffer overflows or sql-i into someone?s code if I wanted access.[2012-10-06] - 00:05:59 - "travisgoodspeed" - RT @aurelsec: @d0tslash code http://t.co/BEhOK65v assumes TinyOS, its bootloader and a buffer overflow, tool to search gadgets http ...[2012-10-05] - 00:47:04 - " securityshell" - RT @johnwilander: My slides on Stateless Anti-CSRF at Dagstuhl: http://t.co/o6jNHLQF Including triple submit bypass by cookie jar overflow.[2012-10-04] - 20:57:22 - "Beaker" - Today is swell so far. No sleep, overflowing euro shower, worm in the piece of fruit I grabbed. Hope the A380 treats me better going home[2012-10-03] - 22:56:02 - "cudeso" - RT @circl_lu: Wireshark vulnerabilities like http://t.co/PpnR9CyH the LDP dissector buffer overflow... upgrade to 1.8.3 or later[2012-10-02] - 13:20:52 - " corelanc0d3r" - Just. wow. very humbling and almost triggered eye overflow. https://t.co/jBPWkgsO[2012-09-27] - 19:53:03 - "revskills" - RT @gN3mes1s: Scraps of notes on remote stack overflow exploitation - http://t.co/AaWF3aZM[2012-09-22] - 00:21:57 - "dlitchfield" - @craiu @4Dgifts Prevent buffer overflows as one possible reason.[2012-09-21] - 18:38:00 - "MarioVilas" - RT @omniwired: Con @MarioVilas en fernet overflow http://t.co/wsbalHTK[2012-09-21] - 04:15:54 - "daveaitel" - RT @badboy_nt: RT @insecurechile: En el Fernet exploit overflow! :) #ekoparty http://t.co/XHrigG8W[2012-09-21] - 04:01:04 - "dakami" - @0xtosh ah, I need to get that out! My cuppeth overflow! I think I'll put the day of infrastructure into it next week[2012-09-20] - 16:22:16 - "xanda" - RT @sussurrosays: Who uses a buffer overflow to get EIP?(sponge bob black hat!)Who chains together gadgets in memory?(sponge bob blac ...[2012-09-19] - 18:07:13 - "gcouprie" - .@Schatteleyn en gros, pour #comic tu enlèves overflow:hidden[2012-09-19] - 11:24:28 - " egyp7" - RT @sussurrosays: Who uses a buffer overflow to get EIP?(sponge bob black hat!)Who chains together gadgets in memory?(sponge bob blac ...[2012-09-18] - 18:42:40 - "taosecurity" - Does Anything Really End In Digital Security? http://t.co/ORwFPUc8 Queries at OSVDB show we're not eliminating overflows, 16 years later?[2012-09-18] - 07:36:42 - "jeremiahg" - RT @WeldPond: Phonetic attack commands crash bank phone lines. Blind SQLi buffer overflows http://t.co/UPQ0evjz HT @_wirepair[2012-09-16] - 23:56:20 - "mfratto" - @samj bad move for stack overflow though. It's getting AOL'd by Google. I used to be able to get decent answers b4 G moved Android there.[2012-09-13] - 04:23:45 - " securityninja" - @Balgan @wimremes If he asked you if you wanted a port scan and local buffer overflow you were tricked, wasn't me ;)[2012-09-12] - 02:31:33 - "2gg" - RT @vuln_: Kaspersky Anti-Virus up to 7.x Driver kl1.sys IOCTL 0x800520e8 Call buffer overflow http://t.co/clsBSRIo[2012-09-12] - 01:41:47 - "mruef" - Hmm, most viewed entry at @scipvulbot is currently http://t.co/EpxaYFy7 (Kaspersky Anti-Virus kl1.sys buffer overflow) - I wonder why.[2012-09-10] - 22:28:57 - "hackerfantastic" - RT @MarioVilas: Nice classic buffer overflow in FreeRADIUS http://t.co/0y8quRYl[2012-09-06] - 19:39:17 - "DFMag" - Critical buffer overflow vulnerability in Photoshop CS6 http://t.co/aITnf9y1 Another popular Adobe product with a security flaw[2012-09-06] - 19:07:22 - " EdiStrosar" - RT @_clem1: Nice GCC plugin to add runtime integer overflow checks http://t.co/rGHw1pIX[2012-09-06] - 17:18:44 - "secdocs" - [Video] Understanding buffer overflow exploitation http://t.co/vmxYgRkH[2012-09-06] - 17:18:44 - "secdocs" - [Audio] Understanding buffer overflow exploitation http://t.co/ddTlvrLI[2012-09-06] - 11:17:41 - "pello" - my twitter authorized apps is as long as a rx queue overflow on a broadcom NIC. Check yours..[2012-09-06] - 03:48:11 - "apbarros" - @joshcorman: @andrewsmhay SQLi is addressable -- only solution is prevent at platform level (such as buffer overflow and C#, Java)[2012-08-18] - 00:38:37 - "xanda" - @lclee_vx your another font assignment.. RT @m4ysix: cc @xanda RT @binjo: cve-2012-1535, integer overflow while parsing font's kerning table[2012-08-17] - 02:34:24 - "mubix" - #SharedLinks Dilbert - best explanation of buffer overflows ever http://t.co/spUKpoJm[2012-08-14] - 22:22:12 - "chriseng" - How would you diagnose a buffer overflow problem? http://t.co/ac62DZnf[2012-08-14] - 13:22:26 - "MarioVilas" - Diagnosing a buffer overflow problem, the Dilbert way http://t.co/8kTEPnG2[2012-08-13] - 13:12:42 - "DFMag" - Researchers uncover security holes in China-based Huawei routers http://t.co/uw5eScmG session hijack, heap overflow stack overflow[2012-08-11] - 15:09:04 - "jduck1337" - RT @d0c_s4vage: @net__ninja same with stack overflows - I really hate it when people use that one when they mean a stack-based buffer ov ...[2012-08-11] - 15:09:04 - "jduck1337" - RT @net__ninja: .@d0c_s4vage yeah how annoying is it... stack exhaustions != stack based buffer overflow :-)[2012-08-11] - 12:39:28 - "_argp" - RT @net__ninja: .@d0c_s4vage yeah how annoying is it... stack exhaustions != stack based buffer overflow :-)[2012-08-11] - 11:37:47 - "SecMailLists" - BUGTRAQ: [PRE-SA-2012-05] Multiple heap-based buffer overflows in LibreOffice / OpenOffice http://t.co/vhL9B5ed[2012-08-10] - 17:50:49 - "BillP" - @ryanaraine @richards1052 @craiu IMHO #gauss uses overflow after Resolve call in the IID_IShellLink interface. Probably GetDescription[2012-08-10] - 11:10:04 - " SecMailLists" - Full Disclosure: [PRE-SA-2012-05] Multiple heap-based buffer overflows in LibreOffice / OpenOffice http://t.co/tGyYlb1n[2012-08-07] - 12:37:45 - "purehate_" - Holy freaking barrage of Derbycon CFP's. My freakin inbox is overflowing #derbycon[2012-08-05] - 08:39:24 - " opexxx" - Critical - DSA-2521 - libxml2 security update: Jueri Aedla discovered several integer overflows in libxml, which... http://t.co/NT7ayPmL[2012-08-04] - 21:55:01 - "zzamboni" - Hillarious! it?s hard to feel threatened by something that you can [?] destroy by letting the sink overflow http://t.co/pe77H75Q #xkcd[2012-08-04] - 21:12:20 - "dakami" - RT @marcwrogers: @dakami @iamnion sometimes. but rarely. One of my first ever exploits was an SMS header overflow AFAIK it was never pat ...[2012-08-03] - 23:36:48 - "marcinw" - Dear parents: please teach your children that they must quickly react and what they should do when the toilet looks like it will overflow.[2012-08-02] - 12:27:23 - "gianlucaSB" - RT @Agarri_FR: Seen in a ChangeLog: eliminated all potential buffer overruns. Effectively, I only found heap overflows and type confus ...[2012-08-02] - 08:31:02 - " corelanc0d3r" - RT @Agarri_FR: Seen in a ChangeLog: eliminated all potential buffer overruns. Effectively, I only found heap overflows and type confus ...[2012-08-02] - 00:09:02 - "Carlos_Perez" - Uurrgg can not believe Home Depot does not have overflow tube assemblies.[2012-08-01] - 23:20:58 - "julianor" - @jweyrich @omniwired @ohunt @Mario_Vilas @jduck1337 it's a buffer overflow, try at home.
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