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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme pentest (488 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme pentest[2012-10-10] - 15:49:40 - "makash" - @makash My apache config query resolved in record time by @kingslyj. :) cc @pentestit[2012-10-09] - 02:14:44 - "singe" - @mhackling I also see it as the big difference between a pentest and VA. Pentest: compromise and pivot, VA enumerate all possible vulns on 1[2012-10-08] - 06:25:16 - "ToolsWatch" - @AlecMuffett that's the truth. Crack alonside with some goodies (nmap, satan) were the real toolkit to do bella figura during pentesting[2012-10-07] - 05:43:20 - "mruef" - Use chaos power to create a zone of vulnerability! Going to shout that at my team mates during the next pentest ;) http://t.co/nGzbftKl[2012-10-06] - 16:47:42 - "oncee" - RT @HackerHuntress: Fresh infosec grad? Passionate about breaking stuff? Halock is hiring pentesters to train. Email resume to eadams@ha ...[2012-10-06] - 07:33:37 - "c7five" - RT @sussurrosays: Here's a good pentest tip for you: if you ever see LSASS and you think it'd be great to migrate to? Let me give you ad ...[2012-10-06] - 03:45:16 - "jaysonstreet" - RT @HackerHuntress: Fresh infosec grad? Passionate about breaking stuff? Halock is hiring pentesters to train. Email resume to eadams@ha ...[2012-10-05] - 03:20:37 - "purehate_" - Any company that claims they only do Real Pentests is either lying, broke or confused about what a pentest really is.[2012-10-04] - 12:58:16 - "mwjcomputing" - RT @pentestit: UPDATE: Volatility 2.2!: Our first post regarding the Volatility Framework can be found here. A few hours ago, a... http: ...[2012-10-04] - 07:42:30 - "dave_rel1k" - On a se pentest.. Been customizing the heck out of SET... Version 4.1 is gonna be pretty sweet.[2012-10-04] - 06:42:30 - "SecurityTube" - [Video] DerbyCon 2012 - Pentesting for non-pentesters: learning through virtual machines http://t.co/h8GZARMB[2012-10-04] - 03:52:21 - "riskybusiness" - Adam (@metlstorm) informs me the Australian Tax Office pentest team listens to Risky Business. Hi guys! Umm. My books are in order, I swear![2012-10-04] - 00:56:35 - "humanhacker" - If you need a pentester and you are in Phoenix area, let me know I have a good friend looking for work. #pentesting[2012-10-04] - 00:42:52 - "c7five" - RT @Ben0xA: When @SpiderLabs assigns a pentester... http://t.co/cyR8q5n0[2012-10-04] - 00:30:03 - "SpiderLabs" - RT @Ben0xA: When @SpiderLabs assigns a pentester... http://t.co/cyR8q5n0[2012-10-03] - 20:50:02 - "Viss" - @flash716 since its got my name on it already, they wont mind if I run a bunch of red team ops and pentests against it, will they? :D[2012-10-03] - 17:37:24 - " ethicalhacker" - RT @HackerHuntress: Strong pentester wanted in Schaumburg, IL! 80% network, 20% webapp, 100% awesome. Send resume to eadams@halock.com. ...[2012-10-03] - 08:33:49 - "xsploitedsec" - Fuzzing Vulnserver with Peach: Part 2 - http://t.co/wlGaUsUA #fuzzing #pentest[2012-10-03] - 03:40:22 - "mubix" - Writing pentest reports is like asking a child to write down all of the toys they played with during the day. #toomuchfun[2012-10-03] - 02:11:05 - "punkrokk" - RT @HackerHuntress: Strong pentester wanted in Schaumburg, IL! 80% network, 20% webapp, 100% awesome. Send resume to eadams@halock.com. ...[2012-10-02] - 09:36:51 - "fbz" - @yetzt yes. my sister is in a long term relationship with a pentester.[2012-10-02] - 06:59:15 - "purehate_" - The industry is hurting for pentesters http://t.co/PpRq9Xep[2012-10-01] - 19:56:00 - "jwgoerlich" - RT @BSidesDE: Intro to Linux hardening via @BacktrackLinux #Derbycon @rattis http://t.co/nwbim8tc (or why pentesters should care about d ...[2012-10-01] - 19:53:15 - " hardcorsecurity" - RT @sandrogauci: 3 nmap paper on hakin9 http://t.co/SnXTmX74 ;cheers to @mdowd @endrazine co Will @hakin9 @pentestmag stop spam ...[2012-10-01] - 16:32:10 - "dotrandomcode" - RT @BSidesDE: Intro to Linux hardening via @BacktrackLinux #Derbycon @rattis http://t.co/nwbim8tc (or why pentesters should care about d ...[2012-10-01] - 00:45:47 - "w3af" - RT @nmonkee: Bizploit (SAP pentest framework) new release from @onapsis. Get it while it's hot http://t.co/2HEYZv2M good work @marianonu ...[2012-09-30] - 03:30:24 - " toolcrypt" - RT @nmonkee: Bizploit (SAP pentest framework) new release from @onapsis. Get it while it's hot http://t.co/2HEYZv2M good work @marianonu ...[2012-09-29] - 22:58:30 - " sandrogauci" - 3 nmap paper on hakin9 http://t.co/SnXTmX74 ;cheers to @mdowd @endrazine co Will @hakin9 @pentestmag stop spamming us and learn a lesson?[2012-09-28] - 18:25:01 - "rnarang" - @pentestit its scanning the mobile app in cloud, tell you what communication encryption the mobile app can risk your data into. #nullcon[2012-09-28] - 09:51:18 - "SecurityTube" - RT @digininja: Self promotion. If you need a freelance pentester come find me to talk #brucon[2012-09-28] - 04:35:49 - "_coreDump" - RT @oren1ofer: iNalyzer the next thing in iPhone pentesting is out get from cydia http://t.co/PHj5R7XWTool descriptionhttps://t.co/Rvn ...[2012-09-27] - 23:19:26 - "digininja" - Self promotion. If you need a freelance pentester come find me to talk #brucon[2012-09-27] - 21:08:13 - " craiu" - Password cracking, mining, and GPUs - a good intro to using GPUs for auditing and pentesting: http://t.co/O8hqxYqf[2012-09-27] - 16:02:25 - "hackerfantastic" - RT @nmonkee: Bizploit (SAP pentest framework) new release from @onapsis. Get it while it's hot http://t.co/2HEYZv2M good work @marianonu ...[2012-09-27] - 16:01:23 - " ethicalhack3r" - RT @digininja: Self promotion. If you need a freelance pentester come find me to talk #brucon[2012-09-27] - 12:00:01 - " craigbalding" - RT @digininja: Self promotion. If you need a freelance pentester come find me to talk #brucon[2012-09-27] - 11:53:20 - "ChrisJohnRiley" - RT @digininja: Self promotion. If you need a freelance pentester come find me to talk #brucon[2012-09-27] - 11:53:20 - "ChrisJohnRiley" - RT @nmonkee: Bizploit (SAP pentest framework) new release from @onapsis. Get it while it's hot http://t.co/2HEYZv2M good work @marianonu ...[2012-09-27] - 04:29:33 - "PatrickCMiller" - Rohyt Belani, @PhishMe giving a great presentation on pentesting humans. Instant education other ways to change behavior. #EnergySec2012[2012-09-21] - 06:01:19 - "punkrokk" - Pretty sweet SQLi resource: http://t.co/atVpAo9L #pentest #sqlinjection[2012-09-20] - 16:10:13 - " xme" - RT @RexMundi_Anon: @mailforlen Have people in Belgium ever heard about pentesting? The amount of vulnerable websites in that country is ...[2012-09-19] - 11:34:11 - "ToolsWatch" - @onapsis thanks guys. Btw, the saprouter pentest paper is awesome !!! It was a great help to evangelise sap risks.[2012-09-19] - 08:39:32 - "mubix" - @jadedsecurity @carnal0wnage @taosecurity So pentesters should just break in to places pastebin stuff in order make things better? ;-) j/k[2012-09-19] - 06:38:25 - "jcran" - @taosecurity @tothehilt pentesting is a proactive measure, IR a reactive. apples and oranges.[2012-09-19] - 05:49:54 - "jwgoerlich" - RT @ppolstra: All ready 4 #GrrCON next week prez done #TheDeck pentesting systems ready http://t.co/25zDNMJm http://t.co/9X2kAy6U http:/ ...[2012-09-19] - 03:04:21 - "icesurfer" - Since I stopped being a full-time pentester, I have been using #sqlninja more as a radio player than a hacking tool #kindofsad #easteregg[2012-09-18] - 23:12:40 - "mruef" - @ryancbarnett @RSnake We're usually injecting an Ajax-based backdoor to remote-control clients within pentests. Video: http://t.co/n9pRUaQ9[2012-09-17] - 05:24:51 - " achillean" - @cloudpentester hmm, have you tried doing a require 'rubygems' before loading the shodan lib?[2012-09-16] - 15:52:25 - " ethicalhack3r" - RT @mubix: RT @flyinpoptartcat: yet another great talk about pentesting https://t.co/23tde38A from @carnal0wnage[2012-09-15] - 09:11:00 - "Carlos_Perez" - @zate @digininja also if you call yourself a hacker or pentester[2012-09-15] - 05:14:12 - "zate" - @hrbrmstr @mubix even then all restaurants judged to same standard. Pentest means diff things to diff people. #vulnscanisnotapentest[2012-09-15] - 02:01:49 - "wireheadlance" - RT @dalerapp: Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook http://t.co/6NxiXOKo #pentesting
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