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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme twitter (939 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme twitter[2012-10-07] - 10:52:10 - "mubix" - RT @GenoNullfree: Just starting out on twitter, check out my older blogs at http://t.co/K8OLCdl4 // cool blog! X86/64 shellcode 1 especially[2012-10-01] - 22:29:12 - "singe" - Ooh, look who joined twitter; @roeloftemmingh Original founder of @sensepost, went on to create @Paterva and Maltego. Follow him now :)[2012-09-28] - 23:54:22 - " ortegaalfredo" - @MarioVilas @hannibals Funny that the new BIOS rootkit kings ( http://t.co/KhROt2yG #ekoparty2012 ) don't use twitter (and both are 35)[2012-09-27] - 12:23:22 - "StrongwaterSec" - Good morning twitterverse! Now to research DNS subdomain delegation . . . and more coffee.[2012-09-27] - 05:56:09 - "nicowaisman" - David El Bujia Arch, part of team cordoba, responsable of the workshop Fernet Overflow is on twitter: @daviddanielarch[2012-09-27] - 04:35:59 - "rmogull" - My goodness. I?m talking religion and cloud on twitter. Sober. Not good.[2012-09-16] - 08:14:55 - " ag4ve" - recommendations for linux twitter client? qwit isn't updating (initial - just showing my last tweet, nothing else) it would post either.[2012-09-13] - 12:45:37 - "mfratto" - @bmkatz f'ing twitter client. I have two copies of @joeweinman's Cloudnomics book. Want one?[2012-09-12] - 13:50:04 - "corelanc0d3r" - RT @mubix: May be a spot opening in Metasploit Mastery... Watch the twitters[2012-09-12] - 08:40:06 - "mubix" - May be a spot opening in Metasploit Mastery... Watch the twitters[2012-09-09] - 15:54:17 - "hrbrmstr" - @trrogers1 yeah. have to disable all twitter/e-mail/etc popups so i can read PDFs on my iPad sans distraction. kindle is too small for PDFs.[2012-09-07] - 06:19:18 - "jaysonstreet" - @PxlPhile @PepsiCo uh oh twitter DDOS in 5...4...3... ;-)[2012-09-06] - 11:44:06 - "postmodern_mod3" - #lazytwitter What is the version of gcc, bash, python, ruby, etc installed on #OSX. Wondering if they are newer/older than on Linux.[2012-09-06] - 11:17:41 - "pello" - my twitter authorized apps is as long as a rx queue overflow on a broadcom NIC. Check yours..[2012-09-06] - 09:13:21 - "robdew" - ok twitterverse, why are we not just telling everyone to back rev to Java SE 6 Update 34 if they can?[2012-09-06] - 06:27:18 - "Shpantzer" - @managerjosh I've been this punny and worse since I got on twitter early 2009 and created #TSAsongs/novels, #CloudBard and BSides spoofs[2012-08-17] - 00:38:07 - "hypatiadotca" - RT @obra: Turns out that twitter t.co wraps anything that looks like a domain name. very hard to DM someone a GSM APN[2012-08-16] - 13:53:46 - "tomituominen" - Dear twitterverse, what is the strongest cipher/algo combo you can generate with openssl that Apple iOS Mail App can handle? #noluckwithsha2[2012-08-12] - 03:04:55 - "digininja" - @Rootx60 the twitter version wont work any more since they moved to oauth. For rest, it's just Ruby so just drop and go[2012-08-09] - 00:04:20 - "wintr" - Found out about the LA quake as I was tracing down hardware in Shodan, checking a vendor pulled me to twitter. Roundabout breaking news...[2012-08-08] - 16:36:50 - "andrewsmhay" - hey @purevpncares, why can I never connect to twitter while connected through pptp or lt2p VPN connections?[2012-08-07] - 00:41:09 - "mfratto" - Are you hiring for a private cloud or WAN admin ? Like to talk to you on/off record about it. DM or email twitter handle@techweb.com. tks[2012-08-05] - 12:32:01 - " Mephux" - #lazytwitter has anyone got Valgrind working on MacOSX 10.8?[2012-08-04] - 23:17:43 - "jeremiahg" - ?@rmogull: A Defcon speaker goon goes above and beyond: http://t.co/j72gOHyT? does Bushy have a twitter ID? well done![2012-08-04] - 02:12:01 - "wardspan" - open Q2 for the twitter sphere: does OWASP Seattle still exist? if so where are they hiding?[2012-08-03] - 11:13:34 - "tomaszmiklas" - RT @jeremiahg: ?@rmogull: A Defcon speaker goon goes above and beyond: http://t.co/j72gOHyT? does Bushy have a twitter ID? well done![2012-08-03] - 10:07:25 - "securityninja" - RT @jeremiahg: ?@rmogull: A Defcon speaker goon goes above and beyond: http://t.co/dZinlvvV does Bushy have a twitter ID? well done![2012-08-02] - 23:13:15 - "mfratto" - Anyone a rackspace cloud cust willing to talk off record? If yes, email me: twitter handle at http://t.co/99NXedjr. TIA[2012-08-02] - 01:12:12 - "i0n1c" - well @_frego_ you can also read his twitter timeline where he jokingly??? offers to sell an iBoot 0day in vegas[2012-07-19] - 12:17:44 - "funkatron" - Want library that will create nice HTML content from twitter msgs+entitiesTHRILL of VICTORY: find Python libAGONY of DEFEAT: it's GPLv3[2012-07-06] - 09:13:09 - " pazzul" - @levarburton @twitter I look forward to next weeks @twitter inspired episode of Reading Rainbow. Perhaps something on the FreeBSD kernel? :)[2012-07-03] - 22:19:53 - "singe" - @ThawabHazmi @mstawfik Heh, I figured, but I had visions of a twitter spam bot network descending on my little piece of python.[2012-06-30] - 09:54:40 - "bdpuk" - @c0redump thanks for replying, I have the cert installed, all other apps proxy but twitter is being a bastard, come across anything similar?[2012-06-30] - 09:54:40 - "bdpuk" - @c0redump yup all other apps proxy perfectly, it's just the twitter one that is causing me issues.[2012-06-30] - 09:54:40 - "bdpuk" - So how do Bluecoat and other enterprise proxies SSL intercept applications like twitter when they use cert pinning? @bcsecurity[2012-06-29] - 12:34:06 - "dguido" - @marcinw afaik Chrome for iOS uses the same UIWebView that apps do. Same as opening a URL w/ twitter. Can't see how this helps much.[2012-06-27] - 20:07:06 - " BillP" - Found my Chrome/Twitter problem. For some reason I had used Ctrl+- to shrink my text. Other pages were ok but twitter was still shrunk[2012-06-26] - 16:55:36 - "mosesrenegade" - RT @r_netsec: Most common twitter response to the PCI Liars thread: Everyone lies to pass PCI.Which makes me ask; is PCI compliance ...[2012-06-24] - 10:49:54 - "kairoer" - @Secureholio thanks :) trying to get python+twitter oauth to function all day, only to find that code is all fine. I am rusty...[2012-06-22] - 20:39:30 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP OWASP Germany (@OWASP_de) on Twitter - Sign up for Twitter to follow OWASP Germany (@OWASP_de) twitter ie/OW ... http://t.co/90VGoG5u[2012-06-22] - 08:05:23 - "theharmonyguy" - RT @securityninja: RT @CNNMoneyTech: Not a hack or DDoS attack @twittercomms: Today's outage is due to a cascaded bug in one of our infr ...[2012-06-22] - 05:43:21 - "securityninja" - RT @CNNMoneyTech: Not a hack or DDoS attack @twittercomms: Today's outage is due to a cascaded bug in one of our infrastructure components.[2012-06-21] - 19:19:31 - " falconsview" - anybody out there in the twitterverse used CloudOn w iPad and PowerPoint for delivering a presentation?[2012-06-14] - 13:18:44 - "ioerror" - RT @guardianproject: @twitter @moxie new post on our (positive!) audit results of Twitter proxying support: https://t.co/6Ac8HmWf / cc @ ...[2012-06-11] - 11:29:32 - "rgaucher" - RT @jonpasski: Watching @tqbf's twitter rage go from LinkedIn to OWASP today was more comedic value than the LinkedIn dump itself.[2012-06-03] - 22:31:15 - "rogueclown" - ...amused that i got hit with two Linux-themed twitter spams in the last half-hour or so.[2012-05-22] - 15:37:41 - "Carlos_Perez" - @tliston did you sent me by accident a twitter phishing email?[2012-05-22] - 04:28:35 - "dave_rel1k" - We need a cloud drinking game..Everytime someone mentions cloud on twitter you drink a beer. On second thought, everyone would be dead.[2012-05-21] - 23:48:08 - "mwjcomputing" - RT @dave_rel1k: We need a cloud drinking game..Everytime someone mentions cloud on twitter you drink a beer. On second thought, everyone ...[2012-05-20] - 10:11:42 - "csoandy" - Okay, just weird false positives, just-woken-from nap fogginess, and - is twitter not sending an SSL CA chain correctly?[2012-05-19] - 18:11:25 - "mfratto" - @networkingnerd tom, can you add me to your ciscolive twitter list, please. Mike Fratto, editor, network computing, @mfratto thanks man[2012-05-16] - 06:20:11 - "ramblinpeck" - @sergeybratus that's going be going to the API. shouldn't be too tough using twitter gem or python equiv
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