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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme virtual (520 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme virtual[2012-10-05] - 09:25:38 - "wadeis" - @virtualizethis1 good luck! Hopefully the head doesn't end up in the clouds ;)[2012-10-05] - 05:21:53 - "ca_france" - RT @cmneedles: Eliminate constraints: data volatility. Often dependent on downstream systems. Not so with virtual services. Michelsen #O ...[2012-10-04] - 06:42:30 - "SecurityTube" - [Video] DerbyCon 2012 - Pentesting for non-pentesters: learning through virtual machines http://t.co/h8GZARMB[2012-10-02] - 07:27:51 - "ElReg" - Cisco fluffs up freebie Nexus virtual switch: Big price cut, but the one with goodies still ain't free Cisco is ... http://t.co/xBRIJai2[2012-09-27] - 20:48:22 - "anton_chuvakin" - G+: To better enable effective incident response using virtual machine logging and events in a cloud provider? http://t.co/X044DRyC[2012-09-27] - 08:47:12 - "dkulshitsky" - 4-socket ProLiant BL660c Gen8 blades - wow, exciting! With 1TB of RAM I can virtualise a lot of things...[2012-09-20] - 03:33:18 - "Beaker" - @wickett I didn't say that. At all. The private cloud == virtualization only is dogma pushed by those who'd like to convince you of such[2012-09-17] - 20:53:12 - "RonGula" - RT @TenableSecurity: SC VMWare dashboard to track Nessus virtual scan results in real time : http://t.co/eEEb6lHW[2012-09-17] - 20:15:12 - "TenableSecurity" - SecurityCenter VMWare dashboard to track Nessus virtual scan results in real time : http://t.co/gNv1a3vA[2012-09-14] - 01:22:40 - "CiscoSecurity" - How Cisco is advancing Data Center Security via @TechJournalist. New ASA software + virtual firewall + IPS: http://t.co/N8tMuUyR[2012-09-11] - 01:31:00 - "secureideas" - RT @taddong: Cómo crear una máquina virtual de SamuraiWTF 2.0 en VMware Fusion:http://t.co/Sq5RhRvu #SamuraiWTF[2012-09-07] - 06:04:10 - "myrcurial" - I may have just levelled up in the world of virtual coolness. PCI passthrough of video card + usb port = virtual HTPC. All-in-1 FTW.[2012-09-06] - 18:35:16 - "SearchSecurity" - Tech article: Mike Chapple on why Web application firewalls, virtual patching, SDLC are key for security and compliance http://t.co/Z01qmjk2[2012-09-06] - 17:50:57 - " Netw0rkSecurity" - #networksecurity #cloud Cloud Computing on Virtual Desktops - The eventual goal of cloud computing is a virtual IT ... http://t.co/cDese7bw[2012-09-06] - 13:42:55 - "securityshell" - RT @cBekrar: Invisible Things Lab released Qubes an OS which not only virtualizes desktops but isolates apps from each other http://t.co ...[2012-09-06] - 13:03:22 - "pollux7" - Qubes 1.0 release http://t.co/4hAiHfW4 #security #virtualization[2012-09-06] - 10:45:11 - "CiscoSecurity" - [For Partners] Help your customers securely move to virtualization and the cloud. 9/5 Webcast: http://t.co/77XZI5F5[2012-08-15] - 00:10:04 - "jcran" - @jadedsecurity lol. turns out running virtualbox + vmware + randomly yanking usb peripherals is a bad idea[2012-08-15] - 00:10:04 - "jcran" - @techbytom ah, okay. stack trace was a combination of virtualbox + vmware + libftdi (serial console lib)[2012-08-10] - 06:47:38 - "obsequens" - Luminex rips virtual tape from data centres, shoves it in the cloud: Joins the buzzword party with cloudy storag... http://t.co/4TMEQd1h[2012-08-09] - 22:57:47 - "rmogull" - The advice from support for the virtual lab I?m using for this remote class? When students have probs disable firewall and AV. Nice.[2012-08-09] - 20:11:18 - "jwgoerlich" - @christianve Cloud IaaS is virtualization plus other ingredients. A soufflé is not just eggs. Cloud is not just virtualization. #ConvCloud[2012-08-09] - 02:41:14 - "TrendMicro" - RT @jdsherry: Great whitepaper on virtual patching-react within hrs ans save $ http://t.co/csZxuosG @trendmicro #continuousmonitoring #r ...[2012-08-08] - 05:22:32 - "InfosecurityMag" - RT @PCISSC: #infosecurityvc2012 catch @bobrussopci and PCI Chair Mike Mitchell on Aug 9 at infosec mag virtual conf http://t.co/Edpthhlv ...[2012-08-04] - 11:53:45 - "kakroo" - Forecast for systems administrators: Cloudy - Cloud computing and virtualization are redefining the role of the syst... http://t.co/SPyVcwrU[2012-08-04] - 10:37:40 - "gcouprie" - .@virtualabs par exemple, que se passe-t-il si tu considères ton réseau d'entreprise comme publique? (ce qui est le cas pour du cloud)[2012-08-02] - 23:13:15 - "mfratto" - Me thinks Cisco is reacting to the Nicira acquisition in not so subtle ways. Seeing an increase in Tweets about virtual networking topics.[2012-08-02] - 18:06:52 - "anton_chuvakin" - @FierceStrategy Re:maturity vs adoption. Yes, indeed. And the lag seems to grow - see mobile sec and (sort of) cloud/virtualization as well[2012-08-01] - 06:42:23 - "travisgoodspeed" - Is it true that SBus uses virtual addresses for DMA transfers? Holy gods that would be convenient right now.[2012-07-25] - 21:49:19 - "gcouprie" - RT @WebReflection: oh gosh ... why RT @szafranek: It's both ridiculous and über cool. PHP virtual machine in JavaScript: http://t.co/loe ...[2012-07-20] - 07:14:27 - "McGrewSecurity" - ?@drhavoc: I received a virtual machine image infected with Conficker? Seriously. What year is it?? Genius way to spread![2012-07-20] - 07:13:45 - "getwired" - Most SQL Server licensing questions around virtualization, software assurance, and transitioning away from Enterprise Server/CAL. #bootcamp[2012-07-18] - 05:50:56 - "obsequens" - Cisco buys Virtuata, a California-based virtual security firm: Cisco announced yesterday that it had completed t... http://t.co/n3uKSxUT[2012-07-18] - 05:06:10 - "checkpointsw" - RT @SCmagazineUK: Check Point launches virtual systems to help build private clouds - SC Magazine UK http://t.co/rDSsHSTZ[2012-07-18] - 05:06:10 - "checkpointsw" - RT @CompTechReview: @checkpointsw uses #virtualization to simplify #security for private clouds #cloud http://t.co/BLZ1TRJf[2012-07-18] - 04:23:51 - "InfosecurityMag" - Cisco buys Virtuata, a California-based virtual security firm http://t.co/Ztj2oVnU[2012-07-18] - 02:16:56 - "lmwalsh2112" - Cisco goes shopping for a virtualization security solution: http://t.co/OHsA2Rot #cisco #cisco_channels[2012-07-17] - 23:34:12 - "michaelwilde" - @Beaker @gkostolny @virtualtal @simoncrosby good. do JSON as format. syslog as legacy stream, https as open data api. #weWinBromiumWins[2012-07-17] - 20:52:49 - "daveshackleford" - Cisco acquires Virtuata for VM security capabilities: http://t.co/uQBssIcz #virtualization #security[2012-07-17] - 17:10:45 - "DarkOperator" - Cisco adquiere la empresa Virtuata, especializada en protección de máquinas virtuales http://t.co/0JsWzTEd[2012-07-17] - 14:28:49 - "hacktalkblog" - Cisco acquires Virtuata: Virtuata specializes in securing virtual machines. Terms of the deal weren't disclosed. http://t.co/o9XisFOe[2012-07-17] - 13:00:11 - "kakroo" - Cisco acquires Virtuata to secure virtual-machine data - Cisco has acquired Virtuata, a privately held developer of ... http://t.co/ahmARkQE[2012-07-17] - 08:49:36 - "SCmagazineUK" - Check Point launches virtual systems to help build private clouds - SC Magazine UK http://t.co/rDSsHSTZ[2012-06-27] - 23:13:59 - " mckeay" - @clappymonkey and here I thought they virtually wrote themselves. Or maybe that?s just Cloud jokes.[2012-06-27] - 16:05:14 - "BitdefenderFR" - RT @virtualegis: Un tiers des données personnelles stocké dans le cloud d?ici 2016 http://t.co/k6bQ91wF via @zdnetfr[2012-06-26] - 11:42:57 - "lmwalsh2112" - Cisco, Citrix team on accelerating partner virtualization practices: http://t.co/HZDJLXY2 #cisco_channels #citrix[2012-06-25] - 03:54:56 - "csoandy" - @elizmmartin accountability for your actions. We call one category of DoS virtual sit-ins for this reason. Not all DoS (e.g., slowloris)[2012-06-23] - 20:13:56 - "marcinw" - How are sysadmin's dealing with maintenance 3rd party Java libraries? rpm/yum/apt? Maybe Python/virtualenv/setuptools can learn from that[2012-06-22] - 10:11:07 - "r00tbsd" - @cbrocas virtualbox gdb python !! (and Windows but for a workshop about reverse we cannot avoid this OS sorry)[2012-06-22] - 06:47:07 - "seccubus" - @georgiaweidman use amazon virtual machines.[2012-06-20] - 01:44:44 - "SearchSecurity" - Technical article: Davi Ottenheimer discusses cloud DLP and explains how it works in virtual environments http://t.co/ccfxIPux[2012-06-20] - 00:11:27 - "EvilFingers" - Metasploitable version 2!: ?Metasploitable is intentionally vulnerable Linux virtual machine. This VM can safety... http://t.co/MXGp6toz
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