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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme vmware (909 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme vmware[2012-08-15] - 00:10:04 - "jcran" - @jadedsecurity lol. turns out running virtualbox + vmware + randomly yanking usb peripherals is a bad idea[2012-08-15] - 00:10:04 - "jcran" - @techbytom ah, okay. stack trace was a combination of virtualbox + vmware + libftdi (serial console lib)[2012-07-18] - 05:18:04 - "opexxx" - Old vmware cloudburst exploit http://t.co/RmUqUWed[2012-07-18] - 00:12:15 - "richi" - RT @arunrao0: EMC/VMware cloudy spinoff rumors (and Maritz is out) http://t.co/Unj0Rb5z via @computerworld #cloud #vmware[2012-07-17] - 09:55:58 - "opexxx" - RT @z0mbiehunt3r: Ubuntu 12.04 + VMware Player 4.0.4 Virtual Network Device error? Try this: http://t.co/0h9PeoBe #ubuntu #vmware[2012-07-08] - 10:39:36 - " indi303" - @windexh8er @jadedsecurity @Carlos_Perez w530 with vmware = mobile datacenter w gpu crackin : x220 is like a good desktop.[2012-07-02] - 06:35:36 - "mfratto" - RT @GeorgeReese: My latest blog entry: The Hole in the VMware Whole Cloud Strategy http://t.co/Fa7nxKdA #cloud #vmware #google #microsof ...[2012-04-26] - 09:01:46 - "jeromesegura" - RT @Dinosn: vmware kernel leaked source code part http://t.co/TiHygU77[2012-03-31] - 06:08:58 - " dragosr" - @nbrito backdoor is a misnomer in that vmware BIOS ROM privilege esc vuln, it only seems to affect hella old versions in 32 bit mode.[2012-03-20] - 06:30:54 - " Viss" - webcamhax vmware issues squashed. Will be in #webcamhax on freenode tonight to resume webcam hackery! :D[2012-02-28] - 23:43:06 - "Viss" - protip: you can setup port forwarding in vmware fusion 4 while your host is on a vpn, so targets can reverse shell to your msf install :)[2012-01-31] - 17:16:37 - " andrew_secbit" - RT @SecuraBit: More details on the Pentesting #Lab http://t.co/cHlBUS7L #labs #research #backtrack #gh0st #pentest #vmware[2012-01-31] - 10:42:59 - " SecuraBit" - More details on the Pentesting #Lab http://t.co/cHlBUS7L #labs #research #backtrack #gh0st #pentest #vmware[2012-01-04] - 16:33:58 - "Carlos_Perez" - interesting neither the free nor system Monitor in Ubuntu are showing the amount of memory consumed by vmware-vmx for the VMs running[2012-01-03] - 10:59:29 - "opexxx" - RT @r_netsec: Nmap Dev: [NSE] New scripts for natpmp, riak, memcached, redis, socks, http-proxy vmware - http://t.co/FN5LjLpZ[2012-01-02] - 16:43:53 - "RayDavidson" - RT @r_netsec: Nmap Dev: [NSE] New scripts for natpmp, riak, memcached, redis, socks, http-proxy vmware - http://t.co/FN5LjLpZ[2011-12-29] - 05:05:13 - "Viss" - Grr. I just spent 2-3 hours trying to get the new ettercap to work in bt5, in vmware fusion 4. Apparently vmware fusion 4 = no ARP MITM.[2011-11-29] - 20:19:21 - "jcran" - RT @monkchips: big congrats to @puppetlabs and @puppetmasterd for the $8.5m funding round from vmware, google and cisco.[2011-10-25] - 01:55:02 - " GNUCITIZEN" - RT @pagvac: useful for #vmware #fusion users who want to reduce disk size of linux vm http://t.co/NCfsp5nV:[2011-10-06] - 05:57:31 - "TrendMicro" - Allwyn Sequeira from @vmware sharing how VMWare facilitates the Journey to the Cloud #jointhejourney[2011-10-01] - 04:56:55 - "jcran" - protip: ssh -X [server] vmware works fine for forwarding vmware over X11[2011-09-25] - 18:20:00 - "iben" - I'm at this Meetup with Silicon Valley Cloud Computing Group http://t.co/cjovGqpq #csnp #rdd #vmware #netflix #ebay[2011-09-17] - 00:13:46 - "daveshackleford" - RT @VMware: RT @vmwaremgmt: VMware Center for Policy and Compliance Releases vCM PCI 2 Content. http://ow.ly/6wJC9[2011-09-12] - 17:47:23 - "daveshackleford" - Don't get too excited, boys and girls. But we got ourselves a STATELESS, BI-DIRECTIONAL FIREWALL in ESXi v5! W00t! #sarcasm #vmware[2011-08-16] - 01:35:43 - "freaklabs" - wow. compiling linux arm kernel in vmware on dual core machine not seeing much slowdown. i'm beginning to like this multicore stuff :)[2011-08-12] - 01:58:17 - "RSAConference" - Art Coviello of @rsasecurity Richard McAniff of @vmware discuss trust in the cloud http://t.co/0BeujYG[2011-08-05] - 00:21:24 - " InfosecEvents" - Vusb-analyzer.sf.net - free usb analyzer for usb debugging over vmware #blackhat #blackhatusa[2011-07-29] - 16:24:14 - "phenrycissp" - RT @sans_isc: [Diary] VMware ESX third party updates for Service Console packages glibc and dhcp - http://www.vmware.... http://bit.ly/n ...[2011-07-29] - 11:18:15 - " sans_isc" - [Diary] VMware ESX third party updates for Service Console packages glibc and dhcp - http://www.vmware.... http://bit.ly/nxw7Q1 #sansisc[2011-07-21] - 18:44:57 - "RPetrowsky" - Site to site IPSEC tunnel betweenTMG 2010 on VMware and Cisco http://bit.ly/rm6nT5 #tmg #vmware #cisco[2011-07-12] - 23:48:45 - "taylorbanks" - 1,000,000 engineering hours in vSphere 5 #vmwarecloud[2011-07-12] - 23:48:45 - "taylorbanks" - RT @mattliebowitz: 4 those looking 4 info on vSphere 5 licensing - It's all on their website. PDF hre: http://bit.ly/7xwRM #vmwarecloud[2011-07-12] - 23:15:51 - "mfratto" - Can you CiscoLive #cl11people pipe down? I am trying to pay attention to #vmwarecloud. LoL[2011-07-08] - 08:19:22 - "emiliengirault" - Oracle on VMware - nice VM to play with Metasploit and other Oracle attack tools http://www.vmware.com/appliances/directory/62414[2011-07-08] - 01:53:57 - "stalkr_" - RT @emiliengirault: Oracle on VMware - nice VM to play with Metasploit and other Oracle attack tools http://www.vmware.com/appliances/di ...[2011-07-02] - 20:22:41 - "RPetrowsky" - RT @Virtacore: Public Private Hybrid Cloud, you decide http://ow.ly/5vnVw #cloud #vcloud #vmware[2011-06-17] - 01:54:21 - " paradoxengine" - Thinking about investing the train trip in braindumping all the vmware pentesting stuff before I lose it. Anyone interested?[2011-06-14] - 10:27:50 - " Beaker" - ?@monkchips: hear that great big sucking sound? that's vmware and juniper hiring everyone....? I prefer slurping sound, please. ;)[2011-06-11] - 06:03:36 - "Viss" - @savant42 people cant decide on the nomenclature: does Cloud mean a huge vmware install, or vm + elasticity?[2011-06-07] - 18:33:48 - "BreakingPoint" - Interesting white paper read on global cloud computing adoption from @vmware and @ciomagazine (behind a form) http://tinyurl.com/3loly8w[2011-06-07] - 08:55:39 - "dakami" - @Beaker @vmware cloud is not servers. That's pretty disruptive if you make servers.[2011-06-07] - 08:55:39 - "dakami" - @Beaker @vmware I maintain the only meaningful definition of cloud is not servers. It's especially true for sales/marketing[2011-06-04] - 21:56:21 - "endrazine" - RT @djrbliss: A few guest privilege escalation bugs in vmware-tools: http://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2011-0009.html[2011-06-04] - 16:44:30 - "lostinsecurity" - RT @djrbliss: A few guest privilege escalation bugs in vmware-tools: http://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2011-0009.html[2011-06-04] - 06:28:30 - "quine" - RT @djrbliss: A few guest privilege escalation bugs in vmware-tools: http://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2011-0009.html[2011-06-03] - 19:55:41 - "mosesrenegade" - RT @djrbliss: A few guest privilege escalation bugs in vmware-tools: http://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2011-0009.html[2011-06-03] - 18:43:52 - "dragosr" - RT @djrbliss: A few guest privilege escalation bugs in vmware-tools: http://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2011-0009.html[2011-05-27] - 05:57:40 - "bernard" - @failshell OS on a usb key or rdp on vmware, citric or terminal server.[2011-05-18] - 06:07:41 - "stiennon" - VMWare acquires Shavlik http://www.vmware.com/company/news/releases/vmw-shavlik-051611.html[2011-05-15] - 07:36:30 - "gattaca" - @mckeay Doing the same with vmware on Ubuntu. Works like a champ.[2011-05-06] - 03:48:35 - "Carlos_Perez" - after long hours I was able to carve out of the disc some of my data back, sadly all my vmware, juniper, oracle and mssql work is gone[2011-05-05] - 23:09:58 - " Carlos_Perez" - @digininja some base VM but all the python forensic scripts and vmware scripts in powershell lost
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