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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme windows (904 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme windows[2012-10-09] - 13:59:37 - " fmavituna" - In security, history always repeats itself: chromeless windows attack from 2004 and now HTML 5 fullscreen API : http://t.co/LC3ZOxxD[2012-10-09] - 04:45:02 - "theharmonyguy" - OK, I'm down to 26 tabs in my main Chrome window. That's out of 7 open windows. This is actually huge progress for me. #modernstickynotes[2012-10-03] - 22:22:29 - "mubix" - This is the only place the word windows shows up in the Metasploit Framework: http://t.co/VFqMPFMV[2012-10-01] - 14:35:28 - "Marsmensch" - @pedramamini another bug: if jumpshot usb creator is started from windows with more than one usb disk attached, it randomly chooses a drive[2012-09-28] - 00:06:54 - "indi303" - @pbr90x Maltego, Foca, eSearchy, (backtrack windows), Freemind[2012-09-19] - 02:13:46 - "eEye" - Check out our latest blog Mmm, Smells Like 0day http://t.co/ArBxv08S #IE #0day #windows #vulnerability[2012-09-18] - 07:23:52 - " JDeLuccia" - ssh windows... sftp windows .. github visits .. modding files .. chmoding directories .. dropping code and wrestling permissions, good times[2012-09-18] - 03:41:05 - "eEye" - Check out our latest blog Mmm, Smells Like 0day http://t.co/ArBxv08S #IE #zeroday #0day #windows[2012-09-18] - 03:41:05 - " eEye" - Check out our latest blog Mmm, Smells Like 0day http://t.co/ArBxv08S #IE #0day #windows[2012-09-13] - 02:49:32 - " w3af" - @BTimurR always fails to compile after any kernel change, on windows I've been waiting for 5 minutes for a guesto to power-off.[2012-09-10] - 09:23:21 - "Mephux" - @postmodern_mod3 both Linux/bsd, windows and macosx are pretty easy for me to develop on. I can't honestly say one is better then the other[2012-09-06] - 22:34:29 - "Ivanlef0u" - RT @NTarakanov: It's 2012, but some windows kernel developers still dont know, that METHOD_BUFFERED is dangerous as METHOD_NEITHER[2012-08-09] - 09:29:43 - "joedamato" - btw it is possible to use mingw to make dlls that other non mingw windows binaries can use. there are like 10 hax you need to know though.[2012-08-07] - 23:33:37 - "hdmoore" - @zohraan_amin metasploit runs on windows, linux, bsd, android, and iOS (and able to a exploit a wide variety of platform types)[2012-08-03] - 08:12:58 - "w3af" - @bonsaiviking not so simple if you don't have a windows with iis, .net, etc. But will try it out.[2012-07-26] - 13:38:04 - "mubix" - RT @attackresearch: colin and gideon about to drop a windows 7 post exploitation 0day in our Tactical Exploitation class[2012-07-26] - 06:33:08 - "attackresearch" - colin and gideon about to drop a windows 7 post exploitation 0day in our Tactical Exploitation class[2012-07-24] - 23:20:37 - "jduck1337" - Also, I tried triple booting osx/win/linux with refit.. Never saw refit boot screen once. After installing linux windows nor linux will boot[2012-07-18] - 03:11:57 - " cases_lu" - Easily upgrade your windows applications https://t.co/CuoP2P2X , most outdated are Flash, Quicktime and Java #fb[2012-07-14] - 10:13:04 - "wintr" - @nortonsupport Used the bundled uninstall through windows remove software... in the end I used linux to uninstall windows.[2012-07-13] - 18:57:07 - "matrosov" - RT @d_olex: #Metasploit payloads is buggy crap, windows/download_exec (and some others, I think) doesn't work on Windows 7 http://t.co/G ...[2012-07-10] - 13:25:16 - "hdmoore" - @TheAndrewFaria @armitagehacker cygwin gets you close, but most metasploit devs using windows also have a full-time Linux VM[2012-07-04] - 09:24:21 - "r00tbsd" - @stackOver80 quelques bases en dev, linux, windows + asm. Mais rien d'extraordinaire. Rassure toi je vais essayer de perdre personne ;)[2012-07-02] - 13:51:19 - "pentestit" - TinyWall: Small yet powerfull windows firewall: TinyWall is a free software to harden and control the advanced f... http://t.co/kyK1DpVh[2012-07-01] - 17:37:16 - "opexxx" - metasploit-framework/modules/exploits/windows/browser/msxml_get_definition_code_exec.rb at master · ra... http://t.co/kqoZKXHr[2012-06-30] - 20:00:57 - "Carlos_Perez" - So it seems that my python problems only happen on OSX and not on windows and Linux[2012-06-29] - 13:45:21 - "ianpcook" - @nsfinch i got mine from work. My personal machine runs crunchbang. Linux. The home computer is windows.[2012-06-29] - 05:58:33 - "joedamato" - @netscantools i'm a linux guy and don't know much about windows. so i'm stumbling a bit when trying to get my MSI working.[2012-06-25] - 16:25:40 - "Carlos_Perez" - Wonder if it would be useful to make an exe of DNSRecon for windows users. Most of the feedback I have gotten has been of BT5 users and OSX[2012-06-25] - 10:41:40 - "alexhutton" - I've never used chromeos, so sorry if this is a dumb question but, if you are on windows/Mac - why would you want a chromeos vm?[2012-06-22] - 17:18:37 - "SecurityTube" - [Video] How to break into windows 7 (without metasploit) http://t.co/SIdaS0r5 by Hackmaan[2012-06-22] - 15:38:06 - "mubix" - @Alexis_Lazcano nmap works good on windows[2012-06-16] - 19:06:37 - "winfang98" - Oh I feel dirty...installing Metasploit in windows[2012-06-16] - 00:20:02 - "ericfreyss" - RT @devteev: 0day windows http://t.co/jzaweRbY[2012-06-13] - 12:28:37 - "hdmoore" - RT @jimmybergman: @hdmoore IMO it is even more serious that the same vulnerability also gives priv escalation to kernel mode on windows ...[2012-06-12] - 04:29:54 - "ryanaraine" - stuxnet included a 5th windows 0day vuln/exploit. details here https://t.co/ilBiyxSY[2012-06-07] - 08:50:38 - "SPoint" - RT @g4l4drim: #SSTIC windows8 avec WinRt et Metro vont donner une autre dimension aux XSS...[2012-06-06] - 21:45:32 - "achillean" - RT @shawnmer Microsoft-IIS/3.0 via Shodanhttp://t.co/1Dmdrmtl#the90scalled #windowsNT #IIS #infosec #shodan[2012-06-05] - 23:41:38 - "Carlos_Perez" - @alxhotel Skype data enumeration module, finish the windows meterpreter part this morning before heading to the gym[2012-06-05] - 19:45:11 - "halvarflake" - @msftsecresponse : Does the cert in Flame imply that attackers could've signed MS updates pwned people through MitM on windowsupdate ?[2012-06-05] - 19:31:45 - "assolini" - RT @boldi: With #flame MiTM mechanism and having tap on trunk internet lines, you can infect windows computers of a whole country in a d ...[2012-05-29] - 07:08:06 - "DennisF" - Anyone have a trick for finding a windows file locally that was stored on a USB drive? Not in TMP or anywhere obvious.[2012-05-26] - 19:00:32 - "xme" - 98% windows and 58% Linux AMIs come with critical vulnerabilities! #hitb2012ams[2012-05-25] - 11:00:40 - "mfratto" - RT @VirtualTal: We're opening 5 new reqs a day and I'm too busy to post em. If you know of a windows kernel dev or hypervisor dev lookin ...[2012-05-25] - 04:25:29 - "lvdeijk" - ?@0xAli: @lvdeijk You will like this https://t.co/inoo0KBj (using windows as a honeypot) :D? - this is f-ing awesome ![2012-05-23] - 09:15:18 - "secureideas" - @innismir I will check that but the windows and ubuntu 9.04 hosts are working fine.[2012-05-18] - 02:42:13 - "robdew" - @DAVNADS any chance of sharing that script? I gave up trying to get l2t to run on windows. Twice. Because of perl dependencies.[2012-05-11] - 08:46:57 - " RobertWinkel" - RT @indi303: Generic 32bit AES password in sysvol allows you to decrypt windows passwords in a few lines of python. http://t.co/voJlNtnd ...[2012-05-10] - 18:25:34 - " indi303" - Generic 32bit AES password in sysvol allows you to decrypt windows passwords in a few lines of python. http://t.co/voJlNtnd -Awesome[2012-05-10] - 16:26:29 - " zfasel" - RT @indi303: Generic 32bit AES password in sysvol allows you to decrypt windows passwords in a few lines of python. http://t.co/voJlNtnd ...[2012-05-09] - 14:13:48 - "0xcharlie" - There is an interesting looking talk about windows phone 7 scheduled for blackhat. I've always wanted to look into that topic.[2012-05-07] - 12:43:14 - "MarioVilas" - win-psycopg is a windows port of the psycopg python-postgresql database interface http://t.co/XjBAIErZ
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