USENIX Enigma 2016 - Data Integrity Based Attacks in Investigative Domains |
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USENIX Enigma 2016 - Data Integrity Based Attacks in Investigative DomainsPar SecurityTube.NetLe [2016-04-14] à 14:55:50 Présentation : Eric W. D. Rozier, Assistant Professor of EECS, University of Cincinnati The Trustworthy Data Engineering Laboratory TRUST Lab has been working with the World Bank, the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI , the Environmental Protection Agency EPA , and the City of Cincinnati to help solve a common problem faced by many organizations involved in data driven investigations companies and entities that attempt to disguise malicious activities through attacks on the integrity of available data. In this talk we will explore the challenge of assuring data integrity in heterogenous data systems that face the challenges of velocity, variety, and volume that accompany the domain of Big Data. We will examine real case studies in debarrment and corruption in international procurement with the World Bank, investigations into violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act with the FBI, cases of violations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act with the EPA, and human rights abuses of low income citizens by corporate slum-lords in the city of Cincinnati. In each of these cases we will show how malicious actors manipulated the data collection and data analytics process either through misinformation, abuse of regional corporate legal structures, collusion with state actors, or knowledge of underlying predictive analytics algorithms to damage the integrity of data used by machine learning and predictive analytic processes, or the outcomes derived from these processes, to avoid regulatory oversite, sanctions, and investigations launched by national and multi-national authorities. For More Information Please Visit - https www.usenix.org conference enigma2016 Les videos sur SecuObs pour les mots clés : usenix Les derniers articles du site "SecurityTube.Net" :- TROOPERSCON - Crypto code the 9 circles of testing- TROOPERSCON - Towards a LangSec Aware SDLC- TROOPERSCON - Deep dive into SAP archive file formats- TROOPERSCON - Thanks SAP for the vulnerabilities. Exploiting the unexploitable- TROOPERSCON - An easy way into your multi-million dollar SAP systems An unknown default SAP account- TROOPERSCON - One Tool To Rule Them All- TROOPERSCON - Mind The Gap - Exploit Free Whitelisting Evasion Tactics- TROOPERSCON - The Chimaera Processor- TROOPERSCON - Lets Play Hide and Seek in the Cloud- TROOPERSCON - Planes, Trains and Automobiles The Internet of Deadly Things
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