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Index filtré de tous les Tweets pour le terme activex |
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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme activex (250 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme activex[2012-07-31] - 01:58:02 - "MarioVilas" - RT @nicowaisman: @taviso Korean gaming website, used to have a lot of cmd injection on activex. Seems like a standard on that industry ;)[2012-02-11] - 01:43:04 - "jeremiahg" - @lrigknat @hillbrad I dont fault HTML5 for those continuing to use applets, activex, etc, but HTML5 still increases the attack surface.[2011-12-17] - 23:38:46 - "gcouprie" - @herberts stupid security decisions: onscreen keyboard, passwords delivered by snail mail, intrusive activex and java applets[2011-12-08] - 00:12:24 - "_sinn3r" - @eusipial Good book. I wish the browser part would be more technical though. stack bof on activex w/ comraider is kinda uhhh, ok [2011-11-04] - 03:23:50 - "st0rmz" - Verisign's authenticode cert process is jacked. been trying for over an hour to get their activex junk to work on IE9...blah[2011-09-25] - 04:18:29 - " gcouprie" - La protection active du site LCL: un activex censé protéger des keyloggers. Bof[2011-08-25] - 23:41:12 - "nicowaisman" - @shawnmoyer the funny thing is not even activex. It's just crappy jscript not compatible with other browsers[2011-06-29] - 23:17:38 - "dlitchfield" - @jduck1337 @scriptjunkie1 add to this their shitty activex controls and you're hosed[2011-05-28] - 07:13:15 - "ramblinpeck" - @jeremiahg @451wendy port scanning with js, java applet, activex control?[2011-05-13] - 00:42:31 - " ramblinpeck" - This is truth, lots of clientsides to be found RT @kmx2600: @ErrataRob reverse is true also. Lots of scada stuff contains activex :)[2011-03-10] - 01:33:00 - " SecurityGarden" - Protect yourself when you use ActiveX controls, from Microsoft PC Security http://www.microsoft.com/security/pc-security/activex.aspx[2010-12-31] - 00:13:15 - " bluetouff" - @oleiade @Donjipez ENsuite il suffit d'un navigateur avec un activex, un plugin pdf, flash ou java activé... et là c'est le drame.[2010-12-25] - 02:32:34 - " revskills" - RT @pepeluxx: Fuzzeando con Sulley algunos activex para probar el script: http://bit.ly/fxStMZ ... (via @roman_soft)[2010-12-23] - 07:10:22 - "jduck1337" - RT @Ivanlef0u: Notes on the last wmitools.ocx activex bug from http://bit.ly/dJFyf0 http://pastebin.com/9pRq6KLZ[2010-12-23] - 07:10:22 - "jduck1337" - RT @jcran: wmitools.ocx activex bug http://bit.ly/dJFyf0 (nice work on the part of @_MC_ to get the msf module in this morn)[2010-12-22] - 20:26:20 - "jcran" - wmitools.ocx activex bug http://bit.ly/dJFyf0 (nice work on the part of @_MC_ to get the msf module in this morn)[2010-12-22] - 16:44:20 - "Ivanlef0u" - Notes on the last wmitools.ocx activex bug from http://bit.ly/dJFyf0 http://pastebin.com/9pRq6KLZ[2010-12-22] - 15:32:02 - " EdiStrosar" - RT @Ivanlef0u: Notes on the last wmitools.ocx activex bug from http://bit.ly/dJFyf0 http://pastebin.com/9pRq6KLZ[2010-10-18] - 00:48:21 - "TimelessP" - Skype (beta) updated - yay, no need for Flash activex anymore to open the Skype menu; no stupid extra window (what were they thinking?!)[2010-09-26] - 12:00:41 - "packet_storm" - Microsoft DirectX 9 Video Mixer Renderer Active-X Overflows http://packetstormsecurity.org/filedesc/msvidctl-activex.txt.html[2010-09-19] - 07:51:49 - " dildog" - @daveaitel nice on that msnshell shiz. I have a soft spot in my heart for activex+jscript exploits.[2010-07-14] - 18:30:15 - "secdocs" - New Audio: Vista and ActiveX Controls at http://secdocs.lonerunners.net/documents/details/2671-vista-and-activex-controls[2010-07-14] - 18:30:15 - "secdocs" - New Video: Vista and ActiveX Controls at http://secdocs.lonerunners.net/documents/details/2672-vista-and-activex-controls[2010-06-25] - 09:35:05 - "asintsov" - @nsoresearch, it is really not about activex, but this bug can be executed via ActiveX.[2010-06-15] - 18:20:42 - "bug_bear" - @lennyzeltser re-listening to pdc ep200 interview, have u seen or done any work with exploitation of activex in ms office docs?[2010-05-25] - 07:00:22 - "packet_storm" - CommuniCrypt Mail 1.16 SMTP ActiveX Stack Buffer Overflow http://packetstormsecurity.org/filedesc/communicrypt_mail_activex.rb.txt.html[2010-05-20] - 13:37:02 - "packet_storm" - CommuniCrypt mail 1.16 Active-X Buffer Overflow http://packetstormsecurity.org/filedesc/communicryptmail-activex.txt.html[2010-03-25] - 01:01:33 - "dguido" - If Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat are installed on a Windows box, which activex takes priority when a PDF gets loaded?[2010-01-22] - 13:17:52 - "packet_storm" - Windows Live Messenger 2009 Active-X Heap Overflow http://packetstormsecurity.org/filedesc/msn-activex.txt.html[2009-10-29] - 03:02:49 - " jcran" - passivex - skape's paper on activex payloads with metasploit (not on metasploit.com?): http://bit.ly/28zZYO[2009-09-15] - 10:33:17 - " donicer" - @GeorgeVHulme now if they could activex...[2009-09-09] - 08:17:01 - "smalm" - interesting ms tues: jscript, activex, media, tcp/ip, wireless autoconfig. no iis ftp; no smb2; no atl updates.[2009-08-31] - 02:32:18 - "Viss" - @kriggins or have it throw down a report of what your vulnerable to already. java, activex, etc - stuff they can fix easily ;b[2009-08-26] - 16:11:28 - "opexxx" - RT @SecuObs: Dranzer v1.9.1 - Testing ActiveX Controls #activex http://bit.ly/dp9HA[2009-07-31] - 06:18:25 - " CyberSploit" - Metasploit : Added juniper_sslvpn_ive_setupdll ActiveX exploit module #activex #dll #exploit #metasploit http://bit.ly/17dGcV--NICE[2009-07-31] - 06:11:43 - "i0n1c" - so @mdowd and co presented type confusion attacks against activex while I presented a type confusion attack against PHP at the same time[2009-07-25] - 12:55:27 - " stefant" - RT @ryanaraine: this should be a fun black hat presentation. mark dowd and company bypassing activex killbits in IE http://bit.ly/txRwC[2009-07-25] - 07:30:32 - " ryanaraine" - this should be a fun black hat presentation next week. mark dowd and company bypassing activex killbits in IE http://bit.ly/txRwC[2009-07-23] - 16:18:25 - "thierryzoller" - with all this acrobat and activex shit around, I am wondering whether it would make sense to breath live into harden-it again[2009-07-14] - 23:34:08 - "ryanaraine" - @jness what's your advice for coping with (surge?) in activex 0days?[2009-06-03] - 21:01:28 - " _natron_" - Is pwning environments with IE's 'download signed activex controls' set to enabled. Go go gadget CANVAS[2009-06-02] - 06:25:21 - "_natron_" - @Marsmensch cool ideas in @dakami's pres, but I want something you can't patch and is consistent across arch. Probably activex, maybe java.
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