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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme bluetooth (194 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme bluetooth[2011-11-21] - 02:10:37 - "Viss" - @snipeyhead you can - and theres no hacking required :D - there are bluetooth proximity lock applications![2011-11-21] - 02:10:37 - "Viss" - @snipeyhead im pretty cetain you can use the lock apps with any bluetooth thingie. Headset walks away from lappy, lappy locks.[2011-11-21] - 02:10:37 - "Viss" - @snipeyhead http://t.co/kRF1ztpf this one works with anything bluetooth. You take your phone when you wander off? I do ;b[2011-11-01] - 20:51:55 - "vrsj" - @FranchICE06 Actually there are battery issues. To resolve them you have to turn off all the radios, gps and bluetooth. @DaRealMattOates[2011-10-28] - 20:41:52 - "sullrich" - @dsevil Yeah thats the ford sync bluetooth stack I was talking about. It will not work again until I pull the fuse or disconnect battery.[2011-10-27] - 23:33:59 - "sullrich" - @dantecl Unfortunately it is - the bluetooth stack locks up and the only way to fix is to pull the car battery (or fuse) to the radio #sync[2011-10-18] - 08:48:36 - " CiscoSecurity" - Jailtime for installing bluetooth enabled skimmers http://t.co/kzQxZJFg goodguys +1[2011-10-11] - 05:01:22 - "hackerfantastic" - Just noticed Travis answer to the KeyKeriki, he used a HOPE hardware badge to sniff bluetooth HID devices, updated. http://t.co/xRP9vEJh[2011-10-07] - 02:11:09 - "getwired" - Dude was in the bathroom, on his bluetooth, talking to himself with an intensity reserved for the guy selling in the baseball stands.[2011-10-05] - 11:14:55 - "sroberts" - Should I tell the guy showing up for his Internet date at this coffee shop that wearing bluetooth ear piece might not be a good move? Naaa.[2011-09-30] - 16:06:10 - "nr1" - Want: a light weight #HMD that can be easily clipped to glasses and can display widget type apps from a smart phone via bluetooth[2011-09-29] - 19:04:20 - "robdew" - Looking for good portable bluetooth kb recommendation for ipad2 now other tablets later. NOT an integrated case/kb. Anyone like theirs?[2011-09-27] - 11:20:31 - "CiscoSecurity" - RT Fuzzing Bluetooth - hacking bluetooth beyond just authentication and pairing http://t.co/2zZFv6NJ[2011-09-27] - 09:20:33 - "hlixaya" - RT @CiscoSecurity: RT Fuzzing Bluetooth - hacking bluetooth beyond just authentication and pairing http://t.co/2zZFv6NJ[2011-09-26] - 17:02:42 - " CiscoSecurity" - Fuzzing Bluetooth - hacking bluetooth beyond just authentication and pairing http://t.co/2zZFv6NJ[2011-09-25] - 02:03:58 - "3141592f" - http://t.co/ZrPoE3wJ Codenomicon fuzzes bluetooth, BT go boom. This is how your new car will kill you when Skynet says GO[2011-09-23] - 13:47:18 - "Viss" - @habrahamson name your phone something in bluetooth and try to connect to people who left their bluetooth on. They'll get a request[2011-09-21] - 15:03:48 - "HaDeSss" - Rappel (la vente fini demain soir) ! Mac Mini G4 1,33 Ghz OS X 10.4.11 + DD 500Go + Clavier souris bluetooth http://t.co/pUBVyj9g[2011-09-21] - 08:41:22 - "khurtwilliams" - @serendipitousP Just like that - my bluetooth devices started working with my iMac again. Gremlins seen the light?[2011-09-19] - 11:18:18 - "HaDeSss" - Je vends mon Mac mini G4 1,33ghz 1Go de RAM 80 Go de disque dur + dd externe de 500Go + clavier souris bluetooth http://t.co/NMGT3V6c[2011-09-17] - 00:48:22 - " khurtwilliams" - @serendipitousP It's odd. None of the bluetooth peripherals will pair with the iMac. Bad bluetooth radio?[2011-09-13] - 21:12:28 - "hrbrmstr" - @shmoosr depending on what u r looking to analyze, the bluetooth modules that interface with iOS or Android devices may be a better choice[2011-09-09] - 09:46:27 - "freaklabs" - travis goodspeed's goodfet packet sniffer gets a bluetooth interface - A Bluetooth GoodFET for the N900 : http://t.co/LHb1fid[2011-09-08] - 16:15:12 - "Gartnergreg" - At end of meeting re: super secret classified system, proj. mgmt asks ITsec guy so what about the bluetooth just for reaction. So good.[2011-09-07] - 16:49:13 - "mckeay" - @sawaba Let me know if you find a decent bluetooth stereo headset. Been thinking of getting one for a while.[2011-09-07] - 06:03:42 - "dragosr" - RT @ashk4n: Promiscuously sniffing Microsoft bluetooth keyboards using a mobile phone by @travisgoodspeed http://t.co/LVx5qv3 (ht @singe)[2011-08-30] - 02:22:09 - " travisgoodspeed" - RT @fbz: because all bluetooth enabled goodfets should have rechargeable batteries + duplo lego cases http://t.co/JpL3DJW made by @travi ...[2011-08-29] - 21:48:12 - "fbz" - because all bluetooth enabled goodfets should have rechargeable batteries + duplo lego cases http://t.co/JpL3DJW made by @travisgoodspeed[2011-08-20] - 02:28:01 - "teamcymru" - iSEC, UCSD researchers can remotely 'steal' your car if they find the right 'number' to sms or bluetooth http://t.co/yM4Boai[2011-08-20] - 00:39:04 - "brennantom" - RT @teamcymru: iSEC, UCSD researchers can remotely 'steal' your car if they find the right 'number' to sms or bluetooth http://t.co/yM4Boai[2011-08-09] - 22:30:08 - "techflavor" - @securitytwits Can anyone recommend a good bluetooth dongle for my desktop computer.. I use BT5 often so compatibility it a plus[2011-08-05] - 00:46:53 - "Viss" - #BHmobile interesting topics: NFC, bluetooth(ubertooth?), 802.11(firmware?), android market forced installs[2011-08-04] - 10:38:42 - "chiefmonkey" - Unbelievable... I left my bluetooth mouse at the office. Grrrr.[2011-08-04] - 09:27:11 - "mortman" - RT @chiefmonkey: Unbelievable... I left my bluetooth mouse at the office. Grrrr. -- didn't want to use BT at DC anyways...[2011-08-04] - 00:07:02 - " TimelessP" - RT @Viss: So naming my phone something scary and trying 2 pair 2 everything i can see in the room via bluetooth makes people twitchy. Fun :D[2011-08-03] - 23:34:48 - "Viss" - So naming my phone something scary and trying to pair to everything i can see in the room via bluetooth makes people twitchy. Fun :D[2011-08-03] - 23:34:48 - " Viss" - @corq i dont have any payloads or anything, just screwing with people who left bluetooth on[2011-08-03] - 21:42:19 - " getwired" - RT @Viss: So naming my phone something scary and trying to pair to everything i can see in the room via bluetooth makes people twitchy. ...[2011-07-31] - 00:31:09 - "sambowne" - RT @InfoSec4all: BTCrack: A Bluetooth Pass Phrase Bruteforcer! ~~ http://t.co/tnELIKh #bluetooth #tool[2011-07-30] - 23:53:32 - "hlixaya" - ?@InfoSec4all: BTCrack: A Bluetooth Pass Phrase Bruteforcer! ~~ http://t.co/KJ4U4VM #bluetooth #tool? #hacking #seguridad[2011-07-30] - 02:04:42 - "3141592f" - @RonGula great info for targeting your employees with wifi and bluetooth attacks.[2011-07-27] - 06:33:14 - "ChrisPaget" - @jjarmoc OK, then I'll say this: remember all the problems with wifi, bluetooth and zigbee? Yeah, z-wave is smaller and simpler...[2011-07-23] - 23:15:44 - " sullrich" - So my car's Sync bluetooth option stopped working and the consensus is you have to pull a fuse to 'reboot' sync. Seriously, Microsoft? #fail[2011-07-15] - 16:29:31 - "ericfreyss" - RT @dragosr: Checking that the bluetooth stack has been updated on all my Windows boxes. You should too.[2011-07-15] - 13:02:18 - " ryanaraine" - RT @dragosr: Checking that the bluetooth stack has been updated on all my Windows boxes. You should too.[2011-07-15] - 08:42:32 - " 3141592f" - RT @superevr Obligatory. #skype #fail http://t.co/FlbWeCL - u run bluetooth?[2011-07-15] - 06:54:16 - "dragosr" - Checking that the bluetooth stack has been updated on all my Windows boxes. You should too.[2011-07-14] - 08:13:48 - "_____C" - @hintjens bluetooth and carry your phone with you.[2011-07-14] - 03:06:19 - " Hak5" - Hak5 921 - Capture and analyze bluetooth packets, Boot Virtual Machines from USB and more http://p.ost.im/p/eJHyCh #hak5[2011-07-13] - 12:00:06 - "hackinthebox" - Microsoft warns of critical Bluetooth hole - http://news.hitb.org/content/microsoft-warns-critical-security-hole-bluetooth-stack[2011-07-13] - 08:16:47 - "johullrich" - Episode 583: MSFT patches with bluetooth surprise, brits and papers and hacking http://bit.ly/nrSLjm #podcast[2011-07-13] - 02:19:41 - "3141592f" - Hmm bluetooth RCE on windows vista / 7 . No credit in bulletin. #MS11-053 .
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