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Index filtré de tous les Tweets pour le terme database |
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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme database (189 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme database[2012-10-06] - 11:11:05 - "RSAConference" - Cloud APIs at hand to connect to databases | via @ComputerWeekly | http://t.co/Dr8GVuer[2012-10-05] - 21:17:31 - "DarkReading" - SQL injection -- not malware -- is the main threat to databases (by @AdrianLane): http://t.co/c1u2xMjs[2012-09-15] - 06:34:13 - " hak5darren" - DWord. RT @NixiePixel So true (from @hak5darren ) Sure, I can SQL inject your database, but the f**k if I can figure out a social website.[2012-09-14] - 00:47:19 - "sambowne" - RT @MetricsHulk: #UNITEDSummit SHODAN was originally 90% HTTP/S. It has rapidly grown it's database to other protocols.[2012-09-10] - 22:11:24 - " pentestit" - jsql injection: Java tool for automatic database injection.: An easy to use SQL injection tool for retrieving da... http://t.co/ejGhXEo3[2012-09-10] - 07:23:27 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP SQL Injection - Hi there, My website got hacked and my database is totally messed up with malware links pla ... http://t.co/BmhBef9O[2012-09-09] - 08:49:48 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP GigKalender v1 2 CSRF Vulnerability | Inj3ct0r - exploit database - GigKalender v1 2 CSRF Vulnerability ... http://t.co/iyXGWm38[2012-09-07] - 17:15:49 - " GreenSQL" - New GreenSQL 2.2 Release! Secure your cloud data with the first full database security for Microsoft #SQL Azure http://t.co/qKqzJ9v7[2012-08-11] - 01:10:54 - " wkandek" - Oracle patches database 0-day released by David Litchfield at Black Hat - http://t.co/W352H9NH[2012-08-11] - 00:54:44 - " qualys" - RT @wkandek: Oracle patches database 0-day released by David Litchfield at Black Hat - http://t.co/W352H9NH[2012-08-08] - 22:45:11 - "mubix" - I am officially a Metasploit database convert...[2012-08-08] - 18:44:50 - "dinodaizovi" - So, who is going to make a database of the info required to reset passwords for various services and integrate that into Maltego?[2012-08-08] - 07:22:52 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP ALrowad SQL Injection Vulnerability | Inj3ct0r - exploit database - ALrowad SQL Injection Vulnerability ... http://t.co/yykmKfb4[2012-08-05] - 02:49:47 - "tsudo" - I love lunch conversations that range from relational databases to RFID enab... (w/ Justin at Cotija's Mexican Grill) ? http://t.co/er8Xyj4v[2012-08-04] - 10:06:02 - "Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP Yahoo user sues over password leak - They said they had used an SQL injection to trick a database into revea ... http://t.co/GJvApIxC[2012-08-03] - 23:49:28 - "mwjcomputing" - People who don't understand how MS SQL works should not be doing anything database releated. Just saying.[2012-07-28] - 19:43:14 - " EFF" - Israeli Court criticizes state plans for a nationwide biometrics database https://t.co/gpOqM2eD[2012-07-21] - 02:12:44 - "McGrewSecurity" - @dr_tj I wasn't using Apple mail because it was so slow, then I sqlite3 vacuum'd its database and it's real peppy now.[2012-07-19] - 00:24:59 - "opexxx" - Intel Core2Duo cpu cache controller bug PoC | Inj3ct0r - exploit database : vulnerability : 0day : shellcode http://t.co/kbg1FcyA[2012-07-17] - 07:46:23 - "attritionorg" - Dear @GregoryDEvans, since the database is not spoofem and it is fake (which is it?), here's a copy for analyzing: http://t.co/mbjnZoRK[2012-07-16] - 22:39:09 - "matthewhughes" - RT @attritionorg: Dear @GregoryDEvans, since the database is not spoofem and it is fake (which is it?), here's a copy for analyzing: ...[2012-07-15] - 14:47:37 - "chiefmonkey" - RT @DEVOPS_BORAT: Hello World in cloud is involve 1 load balancer, 3 web server and 2 database server.[2012-07-14] - 10:01:49 - "wadeis" - RT @DEVOPS_BORAT: Hello World in cloud is involve 1 load balancer, 3 web server and 2 database server.[2012-07-13] - 00:20:48 - " hdmoore" - @prakharprasad Metasploit now caches module to the SQL database, speeding up msfconsole startup and search (soon other commands)[2012-07-09] - 23:21:47 - "SearchSecurity" - Ask the Expert: Mike Chapple discusses how to prevent Web database access with a triple-homed firewall http://t.co/gTD3jXvg[2012-07-08] - 20:45:11 - "AVGFree" - @commanderhina If not, it could be that the other program does not have the rootkit in their virus database yet[2012-07-03] - 16:20:43 - " cudeso" - RT @developerworks: Consider the Apache Cassandra database http://t.co/viQMFKZx #opensource #data[2012-07-01] - 15:04:52 - "SecurityTube" - Migration complete to a high replication database and now the site uses python 2.7, so concurrent requests supported :) should cut our bill[2012-06-30] - 20:15:06 - "SecurityTube" - [Video] Backtrack 5r2 Setting up databases http://t.co/9U1htPnC by Bl4ckS4b3r[2012-06-27] - 02:37:17 - "jwgoerlich" - Is there a niche market for pentesters with deep database knowledge? If so, what is the skillset premium? #lazyweb[2012-06-22] - 20:39:30 - " Netw0rkSecurity" - #OWASP SQL Injection | eNYe Sec - Pepelux has made a bash script to make blind attacks SQL injection again database ... http://t.co/QsJYUch5[2012-06-14] - 13:02:31 - "obsequens" - Teradata hitches Aster hybrid database to Hadoop: SQL-H makes elephants chattyHadoop World 2012 Like everyone e... http://t.co/G6taiye8[2012-06-11] - 12:13:19 - "getwired" - Saying Hosting a database on SQL Database is almost a tongue twister. :-([2012-06-09] - 17:15:02 - " dkulshitsky" - RT @tehviking: Okay, geeks, we got everyone saying ?the cloud?. Phase 2: get people calling databases ?the cylinder?.[2012-06-09] - 02:58:31 - "regsecurity" - LinkedIn users buried in spam after database leak: Hackers go phishing with their new bait. LinkedIn users are being? http://t.co/yqzQigvk[2012-06-09] - 00:12:25 - "kakroo" - LinkedIn users buried in spam after database leak - Hackers go phishing with their new bait LinkedIn users are being... http://t.co/JyJU3ims[2012-06-08] - 09:29:10 - "ElReg" - LinkedIn users buried in spam after database leak: Hackers go phishing with their new bait LinkedIn users are be... http://t.co/YlsMUMB0[2012-06-08] - 05:26:35 - "obsequens" - LinkedIn users buried in spam after database leak: Hackers go phishing with their new baitLinkedIn users are be... http://t.co/P7pxwQvA[2012-06-07] - 13:55:29 - "klightowler" - RT @W7VOA: http://t.co/qq3IO93u hit by very serious hacking, worse than DDoS attack. Passwords changed, databases deleted raw da ...[2012-06-07] - 10:40:43 - "ITVulnerability" - World's largest biometric database http://t.co/7fLsEB01[2012-06-07] - 03:43:30 - "craiu" - @LinkedInNews I guess it's easy to confirm the breach - just check if the 6 mil leaked SHA1 hashes match your own database?[2012-06-07] - 03:22:38 - "CanDeger" - World's largest biometric database http://t.co/oYX9Z5Zw[2012-06-07] - 02:18:48 - "helpnetsecurity" - World's largest biometric database - http://t.co/W15pAoX6[2012-06-07] - 01:17:57 - "DarkOperator" - World's largest biometric database http://t.co/vaNO0PcH[2012-05-31] - 10:34:50 - " AppSecInc" - Is your database PCI Compliant? Download @AppSecInc's free guide to PCI Data Compliance: http://t.co/hV0fGY1G[2012-05-31] - 05:26:57 - "digininja" - When I see external DNS names including database. and mysql. I get a bit excited[2012-05-29] - 12:25:11 - "pentestit" - sqlcake: Automatic SQL injection information gathering.: sqlcake is an automatic SQL injection and database info... http://t.co/Dl871A5H[2012-05-27] - 19:19:01 - "securitypro2009" - Botnet database, overzealous? - Cisco Support Community http://t.co/v6K0kCih[2012-05-25] - 01:16:44 - "hackerfantastic" - Bluetooth connection to send this encrypted data to... device which then cross-references it with the IDENT1 national fingerprint database[2012-05-24] - 06:27:29 - "lbhuston" - Just wrote a quick dirty brute force tool for sqlite databases, it's slow as all get out, but a quick few minutes code.[2012-05-17] - 10:23:11 - "JGamblin" - @diami03 telling some old lady that they pentested the database a week before they lost all her data wont make her feel better.[2012-05-17] - 03:56:04 - " AppSecInc" - Learn security tips for IBM DB2 databases when @arothackerasi takes the @IDUGConference stage today @1:30 MDT
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