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Les Tweets filtrés pour "dave_rel1k" (701 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS SecuObs pour le compte Twitter dave_rel1k[2012-10-10] - 12:58:31 - @Brav0Hax @purehate_ didn't need that one.. Have the most recent.. Used import custom payload that was av safe.. Worked like a charm on a[2012-10-09] - 22:12:57 - RT @TrustedSec: The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) v4.1.1 released. Adds PyInjector to Infectious Media and check for Apache in Harvester.[2012-10-09] - 22:12:57 - RT @RandomlyAnnoyed: The New Social Engineering Toolkit vs Windows 7 and 8 http://t.co/59IomJC9 cc: @dave_rel1k @TrustedSec[2012-10-07] - 22:07:28 - RT @mubix: Ported @dave_rel1k @kevinmitnick 's BypassUAC to a local so you can use custom payloads EXE::Custom: http://t.co/ ...[2012-10-05] - 22:10:12 - RT @mubix: #SharedLinks The best intro to Metasploit's Post-Exploitation modules I've seen: http://t.co/978oXdmd by @averagesecguy[2012-10-05] - 22:10:12 - RT @hdmoore: Woohoo! A new Burp Suite release (v1.5rc2): http://t.co/ND3xF5QI[2012-10-04] - 07:42:30 - On a se pentest.. Been customizing the heck out of SET... Version 4.1 is gonna be pretty sweet.[2012-10-04] - 00:22:36 - RT @infosecmafia: @carnal0wnage and I gave a talk at DerbyCon 2.0 called Pentesting from a Hot Tub Time Machine http://t.co/YFBdc1yg[2012-10-02] - 05:37:13 - RT @jduck1337: Metasploit is moving towards supporting ROP in a more global way. Watch out. https://t.co/CQepsFXq[2012-10-01] - 22:23:28 - White house confirms breach via spear phishing from china - http://t.co/cqgR5fak[2012-10-01] - 22:23:28 - @daviottenheimer @sawaba @taosecurity - absolutely it does, breaching a firewall is breaching a firewall? doesn't mean sensitive data was[2012-10-01] - 00:23:42 - RT @DerbyCon: If you are missing a bag that contains a large bottle of wine... Condoms.. And an alfa wireless card we have found it. Wtfbbq[2012-10-01] - 00:23:42 - DerbyCon 3.0 will conflict again with BruCon next year FYI. We were clear on the dates we had months ago. Nothing we can do! #DerbyCon[2012-09-20] - 13:43:55 - RT @TrustedSec: The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) v4.0.1 has been released. Small bug fixes around payload selection. #TrustedSec[2012-09-20] - 13:43:55 - RT @mubix: #SharedLinks Delivering custom payloads with Metasploit using DLL injection http://t.co/3qtrxlm9[2012-09-19] - 14:58:12 - @jadedsecurity Even from aircrack-ng: http://t.co/Jf5yjL28[2012-09-17] - 18:40:31 - RT @mubix: RT @shmoocon: Something strange is afoot in the ShmooCon CFP. http://t.co/AUS7Wt2B[2012-09-14] - 02:57:51 - RT @armitagehacker: How to build a loader for Metasploit's Meterpreter (with some code): http://t.co/OCVi9fo9[2012-09-14] - 02:57:51 - @tom_knudsen never tested... Should if payload is right[2012-09-13] - 01:52:04 - RT @DerbyCon: DerbyCon Update: Friday ticket info and tickets opened for Metasploit Mastery and Intro to Pentest http://t.co/r94KstIp[2012-09-13] - 01:52:04 - 96.9 percent positive feedback for BlackHat training? Dang, two people beat me :)[2012-09-10] - 03:49:30 - Awww yea, this version of SET is gonna rock it. Added anti-debugger and VM PE files to payloads all of the built-in payloads..[2012-09-09] - 06:56:12 - @sigginet ah you're using the backdoored executable... use shellcodeexec ;)[2012-09-09] - 06:56:12 - pyInjector will now be a default payload in Java Applet in 3.8 - awwwwww yea.[2012-09-09] - 06:56:12 - The lack of basic base64 encode/decode through public libs in Java is insane.[2012-09-09] - 06:56:12 - awwww yea pyinjector + base64 encode/decode on the fly working in Java Applet now[2012-08-14] - 10:22:57 - RT @backtracklinux: BackTrack 5 R3 Released! Torrent downloads only for now : http://t.co/mpUcWzUk Download page to be updated soon.[2012-08-14] - 10:22:57 - Password repository at @ISDPodcast saved me today on a pentest, thanks guys =) http://t.co/6GKdmOOa[2012-08-14] - 10:22:57 - Can you say native shellcode injection in SET shell? Yes please. 3.7 coming soon. #wethrowbaseballs http://t.co/Jw5ylWkS[2012-08-10] - 05:31:04 - RT @egyp7: If you tried to sign up for @mubix and my DerbyCon Metasploit Mastery and were told it was sold out, that was a LIE, please t ...[2012-08-09] - 04:48:25 - @grizzledizz awesome man!!!!! Look forward to it :) don't sweat ill teach everything.. If you have a backtrack VM..[2012-08-08] - 05:55:00 - @tothehilt syslog is already written[2012-08-08] - 05:55:00 - @TomRyanBlog LOL -- I don't think I could handle SET In the cloud.. Would destroy me as a person =)[2012-08-08] - 05:55:00 - RT @mubix: {blog} Free Ticket Contest - Metasploit Mastery @DerbyCon http://t.co/3ZIyamYA[2012-08-08] - 05:55:00 - RT @s4squatch: Win free @metasploit mastery training at @DerbyCon! http://t.co/gDiYfzij Also check out OWASP Top 10 and Beyond class ht ...[2012-08-06] - 08:25:51 - @rogueclown thanks rogue!!![2012-08-03] - 06:48:58 - @NightLion Noper..Just an intro to pentesting class =)[2012-07-29] - 22:26:50 - Missing my kids at defcon! http://t.co/Yba5MPwA[2012-07-29] - 22:26:50 - Defcon things that I miss #1: CDC and the Shmoo Group. Heroes that spawned people like me.[2012-07-27] - 20:46:29 - The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) v3.5.4 has been released. Bug fix in webattack_email and java applet.[2012-07-27] - 20:46:29 - Defcon talk today with @d2theave is going to be epic. 1pm at Penn and teller room. Owning one to rule them all.[2012-07-26] - 20:16:08 - I walked into the sponsors area of blackhat today. The pure money thrown into security is sickening. I actually felt physically sick.[2012-07-22] - 01:42:34 - Blackhat class is going great! Bunch of awesome students. They be pwnin.[2012-07-21] - 06:18:15 - @xxDigiPxx at blackhat:)[2012-07-18] - 05:01:21 - RT @TrustedSec: Defcon Black Badge up for sale on Ebay. Help support Hackers for Charity! Get your bids in now! http://t.co/6KBltc8q #HFC[2012-07-18] - 05:01:21 - Getting excited for my Blackhat class!!!![2012-07-18] - 05:01:21 - There is going to be an EPIC prank pulled at Defcon 20 with @d2theave - You will want to check this one out for at least 5 minutes of laughs[2012-07-18] - 05:01:21 - RT @hdmoore: Metasploit 4.4 Released! https://t.co/mBXOTY7w ( rls notes: https://t.co/paoNGRlB ) Download: http://t.co/SZkHk2uJ[2012-07-18] - 05:01:21 - @mattj85 here you go man, i just whipped htis up real quick..will scp files for you in pexpect for python: http://t.co/MzT4IEss[2012-07-18] - 05:01:21 - @jose__pablin -- not speaking at BH -- teaching a course there? and presenting at Defcon..[2012-07-17] - 09:39:09 - RT @packet_storm: Cisco Warns Of Major Vulnerabilities In TelePresence Kit http://t.co/5kSnFLCi #news[2012-07-12] - 07:10:05 - RT @mubix: #SharedLinks Tweaking Metasploit Modules To Bypass EMET ? Part 1 - Security Bits http://t.co/0fbmm9iI
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